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[BEC高级] BEC阅读词汇:中国日报汉英词汇表三十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中文信息处理系统 Chinese information processing system6 n8 ^( O: h2 m
中心环节 key link
6 U9 F5 G+ y+ j( ^' N* h1 ~+ t中型商用飞机 mid-size G200 business jets
4 M  K$ n+ w9 j2 [% G- t: i6 \+ \( W中央大型企业工委 Central Work Committee for Large Enterprises0 W$ [* M) x! L5 E& n4 V
中央国家机关 China's State organs) @- h* Z, d: O2 S6 `
中央纪律检查委员会 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC7 |6 o4 I  `' p& x6 X& {
中央经济工作会议 the Central Economic Working Conference% t  s) D0 I( Z
中央领导集体 central collective leadership5 V) ~7 Q8 H  L; Z; f; E
中央商务区 central business district (CBD)
& j7 m) S- D- i7 k. i' X$ v中央统战部 United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee- p/ S0 n4 T! d+ \" G8 V
中央综治委“严打”整治斗争检查组 Strike-hard Campaign Inspection Group of Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security.1 x7 A1 K' }" ~7 A. r3 J4 V
中药 traditional Chinese medicine6 i7 a1 _2 O6 ?& j8 u( G
中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student
7 Z* G1 @9 `* N6 Z: n- P6 l终点控制区 terminal control area5 {( F, ?' n% j$ Y! a7 U
终端服务器 terminal server, z0 r+ Y8 j3 j+ @6 G
终身职务制 life-long tenure1 _5 b8 w6 U3 M2 W
终审权 right of adjudication; right of giving final approval
/ K  u3 q, f# |1 O种植业 crop farming) a, O3 |: r! O# Y* d
众口难调 It is difficult to cater to all tastes.; One man's meat is another man's poison.( x/ c8 ~1 k7 [) r
众矢之的 target of public criticism
4 j" g8 s2 _; ]6 D* |  g7 J重点发展 prioritize
3 E" S, J1 N7 F重复建设 building redundant project; duplication of similar projects
* i9 h1 y4 V' @3 g2 {重复生产 duplication of production
/ p8 X# o6 S) f6 [4 l6 z5 V重复引进 inroduction of redundant technical facilities; importation of redundant technical facilities& ?( i( W8 L5 \! f
重合同,守信用 abide by contracts and keep one's words; honor credit and promise$ l% b! a3 m$ m" d8 Q6 i) w
重合同、守信用的原则 the principle of equality and mutual benefit and “honoring contracts adn standing by reputation”
2 `1 ?- d  ], G重灾区 the harder-hit area
! L" o0 x9 |' A, X洲际弹道导弹 intercontinental ballistic missiles; a9 G& u8 j3 i& s" j3 z
珠穆朗玛峰 Mount Qomolangma
) k+ A6 e7 Q) k; ]  ?! U诸边协议 plurilateral agreement
6 c9 m( Q7 v7 _, x主板市场 main board of the stock market
& N. S  z3 [9 p, a; I主办2008年奥运会 host the 2008 Olympic Games* `4 s! u- q- o
主持人 anchorperson9 b$ S8 m# D. M- L4 W
主叫方付费 caller-pays system
* Q3 @0 [: ?0 |4 m; K; z主渠道 main channel5 M* e8 s6 W2 Q* C, C
主权豁免 sovereign immunity7 ~" {6 U0 q! E( e! d1 y
主体经济 the mainstay of the economy
# f# L3 f' Q! s8 t' F主体思想 (DPRK) Juche Idea1 M9 t6 J1 f+ W6 O* @
主页 home page; x0 Y! z/ E1 ^& a9 @- A% V
住房分配货币化进程 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation
8 z2 w1 t& k$ a% m8 f: W+ m; I住房零首付 zero-yuan first payment (for apartments)
1 A) _& s' u) H3 e! g+ S住宅小区 residence community
- x* `  P: \1 @7 l9 ^2 h4 n7 m助跑 "approach run, run-up"* X1 O; g# g$ s
助学行动 activity to assist the impoverished students4 O6 Y( T: L1 I7 T3 ]
注册会计师 certificated public accountant (CPA)0 ?: k$ F9 U8 F  a( V3 [
注册资本 registered capital
9 y1 o2 q$ A3 d1 g驻港部队 People's Liberation Army garrison in Hong Kong+ D1 L8 x5 J% i
抓大放小 to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves
$ P' u2 c2 F9 M: ~; J抓大放小,三改一加强 (Efforts were focused on) the reform, reorganization, upgrading and better management of enterprises, aiming at well managing large enterprises while adopting more flexible policies toward small ones
& c+ Y5 N; h6 O0 c2 ?4 x& V抓住机遇 seize the opportunity& p$ K$ s% f: e2 }% P
抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定 seize the current opportunity, deepen the reform, open China wider to the outside world, promote development and maintain stability. m) I  b( H3 A' R$ b; ~2 a
专访 exclusive interview) ~$ v9 H3 P+ }' O
专利产品,仿冒必究 patented product(s), counterfeiting not allowed) k/ v' U0 a3 n3 |* l7 v/ p; w
专卖店 exclusive agency; franchised store$ @% M( t5 \; n# A; K
专门的营销机构 market boards

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