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[BEC高级] BEC考试辅导:2011年商务英语(高级)难词解析汇编(15)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  breach# h7 Z( m' l( t$ ^, @
  eg: Photocopying is a breach of copyright or patent protection.
3 S" L. G- z/ ?, `5 H) ^  breakdown
) |7 u( F8 z! x8 P, B$ q  eg: Since the beginning of January we have experienced a number of serious breakdown of the computer equipment in this area.
2 ^3 N- H! u; ]  breakdown rescue
8 H! g6 e3 Q- S2 ^) W  break even
! J- Y- {, k+ Q; J3 b  eg: The company just  manages to break even.
& d/ E5 e8 l' ~6 V/ |  break -even point
. _8 ?' O8 o0 o% q  eg: The company expects the product to reach break-even point within one year.3 u/ A, J$ G  y- S0 B, ^
  7. brokerage industry
+ V) ?( E; Y) d( D. H. [- c- B0 S  The broderage industry is booming these few years.
3 M; g4 f3 z7 ^! h  这些年中介业蓬勃发展
4 C7 N) X; m; o: w, D  8. brown goods5 w0 [4 D2 f2 s) _3 w! Z
  Manufacturers of brown goods have to face competition from Japan.
0 J" k" _4 o6 e6 a! c. |3 {* ^  茶色商品生产商要面对来自日本的竞争.
8 c: |  h+ P* u, v9 r  Q  9. brunch
- @# O2 ?9 r  p+ ^5 d. n/ @  Brunch is a meal which you eat in the late morning.9 B- P0 s# [3 K  n) Z; r/ y- r
, U/ T# T2 S5 I( M' D/ {2 P, F/ f% J6 N  10.bubble economy# C5 y: y6 a! h5 o
  During the ~ yeas of rapid growth in the late 1980s, some bureaucrats outrageously greedy.; u! Y" n( P1 E
" Q8 f+ g6 Q7 r9 k0 A7 T9 A) |  bubble wrap
) K7 g/ v: D$ j6 |) y2 w7 x  Thanks to the bubble wrap, these books arrived in pretty good shape! A' v; R1 x2 z' d
  budget priced goods, C. }/ k3 V' z- B
  Budget priced goods are low-priced goods.
, Q8 |/ p7 E# T: f* X1 _8 G) S' G  buffet reception
; w8 z: ^! i1 H2 r$ i& B  Buffet receptions offer good chances for doing useful networking% N  ?% |' B! s  t3 r: @
% X! J8 G# U8 C% N  Built-ins now include playstations, Internet access and televisions.# A. k0 L6 r$ R" B2 t
8 a+ d) j3 j2 \! t( I& f: E, \  1. These grains were shipped in bulk.
/ F& b) Y' }8 X. G( |* y  2. They were able to buy in bulk and to sell at low margins.: ~$ `1 o) o, V
  Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)
( ^0 J% [" |! T  2. bull market 牛市(通常指股市、汇市等金融市场价格持续上升或坚挺)
: ]# e$ Z$ n+ z& @, X2 x( v  e.g. If the market is thought to be good and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to rise, the market is called a bull market.
5 K0 n) p. P1 x/ A5 }. @# H+ e( g  市场看好,股票价格有望上涨,这种股市被称为牛市。
* P& _6 x* o- O3 p: z, A: l& C  3. bundle 捆绑销售) O( l9 D! d3 k, c
  e.g. The department is trying to stop Microsoft from forcing personal-computer makers to bundle its Internet browser software with every copy of Windows.4 Q0 E1 D# I: j
3 |2 W( ]$ h7 {3 x1 \( D3 ~: O% }  4. burglar alarm 电子防盗报警装置
+ {& R# I* F+ I; K3 ^1 Z5 c# u* W  e.g. The burglar alarm will make a loud ringing noise when someone tries to enter the building secretly and illegally.
2 {0 |) }) z' h; U  如果有盗贼潜入大楼,电子防盗报警装置会发出响亮的报警声。
6 x4 n0 E' D0 m! o  5. burglar-proof padlock  (U型)防盗锁
) Q0 [' k" x# @5 X  e.g. This is a manufacturer of burglar-proof padlock.0 G" W6 j$ y$ j0 {, [5 M

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:02 | 显示全部楼层


  6. business 公司,企业- ]0 w9 J1 O, F
  e.g. He set up several adverting consultancy business in the UK.
. I  ~! q" g+ F) S  他在英国建立了好几家广告咨询公司。/ a( {2 Z' J3 o, \: j. J  w8 ?
  8. business class section 商务舱(座位), X( \9 Y; D7 c( D/ P
  e.g. The airline is to introduce a business class section.
! Q" @8 g" O- i' i. C6 ]  这家航空公司将于下周推出商务舱座。
" @7 E# O/ j9 p# T5 x. o7 @  business operation pattern 商业运作模式% H; k5 I9 N$ A  G. \
  e.g. The computer Internet is transforming business operation patterns and contributing to what is called the new information economy.
) i  r0 w" D4 D- p$ Z0 i  计算机因特网正在改变商业运作模式。
; S7 m/ ~( K, c  1. business executive 企业主管人员" O& s; P. x+ ]% E$ h1 l. l5 g
  2. business-format franchise 经营模式特许(店)
0 @8 d! X7 J2 X  e.g. Business-format franchises are characterized by an ongoing business relationship between franchisor and franchisee that includes not only the product, service and trademark but the entire business concept itself.0 v* Y( H: @) S1 Q( F
, l8 t3 ^5 a6 u3 U$ v" @  3. by-product 副产品
4 o) V# N+ N5 f  e.g. Skimmed milk powder is a by-product of butter production.9 ]! m+ I( f* @  }) u
  脱脂奶粉是生产黄油的副产品。3 l( Z8 o. o) k# c' A3 H* y( x2 z
  4. cable license 有限电视许可证3 l& x2 M" u+ o  Y6 j
  5. cafeteria plan 自助餐式计划(员工可以从一系列的选项中做出选择)4 t/ T+ [1 A2 F+ p; s. T5 Z
  e.g. Cafeteria plans are an innovative, new way for you to save tax dollars while receiving the best in fringe benefit plans.
3 S+ {( F6 v1 ?* ~  自助餐式服利计划是一种能为你在尽享附加福利的同时节省税款的富于创意的新方式。6 ?& v* T" ~( o  E8 o9 Q* o
  6. callback 电话回话(服务)
' p5 y. g9 F3 H% h+ k+ ?$ T8 V  e.g Callback services, most of which are garage-side start-ups, have soared in popularity and sophistication in the last several years.
+ }/ f8 a' @3 h) @8 o0 O  电话回话服务公司大多是一些只有车库那样大小的新兴公司。 最近几年来,它们备受欢迎,并日趋成熟。
7 r: x3 K- S/ P0 A  7. call-blocking 呼叫限制(服务)
% _' F$ H" n' G5 i2 m, c+ b3 w  e.g. Some phone companies in the US already offer call-blocking service, allowing the user to block calls from numbers that are proving a nuisance.- t! n9 a+ O" ^! D6 d! `
  美国的一些电话公司已经提供呼叫限制服务,它能使用户阻挡来自骚扰者的电话</p>  8. Call center 电话销售中心,电话销售点,呼叫中心7 q0 ~( ^0 n; k2 d
  e.g. With a call center you don’t have to pay high rents for good high street locations or pay commission to brokers and agents.
3 g* M6 K) I- q8 |6 d6 B! s  有了电话销售中心,你将不需要为地处商业大街黄金地段的店面支付高额租金,也无需向中间商或代理商支付佣金。
. P# W3 B$ U# y% U& W4 f  9. caller ID 来电显示(服务)
& o  D2 G  `  B0 G  W8 X6 O  e.g. Caller ID is a service that tells people who is calling before they answer the phone.
0 j! c. ~$ Q! m+ V6 C3 G  来电显示这项服务能使收话人在应话前知道来电者的身份。9 ^0 c3 b. {" G+ I
  10. Call forwarding 呼叫转送(服务)
) r# A) ?, \/ F8 Y  e.g. Services such as call forwarding are also available.: X# O8 }. V& L# O' j
  提供的服务还包括呼叫转送& {7 s( ?6 q; H
  1. Call-in Medical Care 电话求医市场# n) ^" r$ Z' b& H5 f6 N* w$ u
  2. camcorder (便携式)摄像机,由camera + recorder构成。! k) L" [3 T  b1 V' c  `
  3. campaign 宣传活动% Q$ }7 i9 P, K& C; @8 M( U
  e.g. The company is planning a new advertising campaign to increase sales." K: z" t3 h6 {7 S/ g# s! F
0 c; P, ]. W+ c  4. canteen 职工食堂7 D' p4 r4 v4 N9 X) d5 |& D! s5 m2 v
  e.g. Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.1 r3 G( A( k+ ?: S
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