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[BEC高级] 2011年商务英语考试:高级阅读指导5

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Theatre’s Financial “Angels”6 i2 }2 \) Z& m3 I
In London and New York theatre shows can make seriously big money. That is why__ (0) __ in the theatre is becoming increasingly popular.! H: b/ H# l- S. Y
Putting money into the theatre is not __ (21) __ for those who prefer a safe return on their capital, but it does offer the occasional chance of huge profits. Moreover, it gives the investor a personal __ (22) __ in the glamorous world of show business.
, x  D  Z% ]  F3 c  x% nProducers of new plays and musicals often __ (23)__ a large proportion of the initial capital from small investors, or “angels” as they’re known in the theatre business. Each investor will typically buy one or more investment units. A unit normally __ (24) __ a thousand dollars or more. When the show starts making a profit, the “angels” get their original money back. They then __(25)__ to get dividend payments, at an agreed percentage, for as long as the production keeps going.- ~. T/ z4 q# B' X  |6 U& L! H& t
However, the risks are high. Normally, shows run for at least a year before they see any profit. Even then, the__ (26) __of money generated for the investors can be very small. Most theatrical productions do not even get that far, closing__ (27) __within the first six months.
+ x, H) K0 |( |! QSo, who would be an “angel”? Typically, someone who has a keen interest in the potential__ (29) __from a big success: investors in one current production are__ (30) __profits of over 350 per cent.
1 G; k  D; Y- i0 s8 O2 s. M4 a- \- [20 A investing B profiting C risking D financing: T  U9 ?1 v7 ?6 U. V1 u
21 A selected B recommended C approved D proposed
2 g; w9 H( [! C( N% s22 A interest B bid C concern D hope9 c2 P$ s# A3 a4 U1 z+ s
23 A arouse B rise C arise D raise
( J1 q, i! k/ y: b4 Y3 Z3 \( [# I24 A pays B charges C costs D gains; v/ c2 C2 T# I) S/ N% ^8 B* _
25 A keep B persist C continue D maintain
: c+ o+ Q  I! I' ^. a+ r7 u1 @" @1 y26 A amount B total C number D figure
6 m) `, [5 e6 X2 [27 A in B down C up D off! f) C7 C( f' K, ~3 H, W
28 A approach B attitude C perspective D view# N7 B9 e4 H3 C0 w. u. h5 C
29 A fees B returns C advances D wages( A7 A0 |. M( t- S( S
30 A delighting B rewarding C enjoying D succeeding

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