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[BEC高级] 2010年商务英语专业难词汇总(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1、acid test 决定性的考验
) s  J6 ~7 S, S1 F% X0 d  例: The acid test is whether or not somebody will actually buy the product.* r. E2 G2 f& G' h
  2、acquire 购入,取得所有权
7 x5 B6 @5 f4 M% q4 V' i  例: This is Cussons' newly acquired factory in Poland.
% x" A( K, o% \4 d  3、acquisition 收购
$ C) g' g3 u8 C  J$ h  例: The accelerated rate of globalisation has left companies desperately seeking overseas acquisitions in order to remain competitive.2 y/ \. d; N) L+ F) t7 x) K
  4、across-the-board 全面,全体
* W% c' ^) }- i8 a  例1: They have decided to increase prices by 4% across-the-board.! ~7 R$ [: p! H# p7 ]. e1 R3 p
  例2: To save money, identify current problems, and make the old company more dfficient, the new president ordered an across-the-board examination of expenditures and operational procedures in every department.
  X+ z8 x1 D* x: V+ _2 h  5、action figure (仿真)玩具人,活动人& D, o6 X3 ~+ _9 P
  6、activewear 运动服; ]' S) i( S' u- D' }- z( E
  例: Lauren has been making activewear and basics like jeans and leather jackets for almost a quarter of a century.
8 ?# E0 \* u- {  7、activity 经营项目, 经营业务
" s+ U, |: z2 w! k/ S/ W8 f6 X  例: The main activities of the company are manufacturing computer components and direct retailing to consumers.
  K& J! d. B5 i: x: G) h& Q% X) r  8、act of God 不可抗力, 天灾, 亦作 force majeure.5 D1 A2 P$ |0 f) q6 O
  例1. Private householders or businessmen insure against burglary, loss or damage by vandalism or "acts of God".5 k( Z2 ^& y* ?& |, L
  例2. The insurance policy does not cover acts of God.1 z: @$ R6 ^* F1 k+ Y" n
  9、actuals 实际数字(相对于估计的数目)
: [+ a9 ~" R' N! I7 \' K: e  例: These are the actuals for last year's turnover.6 P5 ^! q* X# Y- e4 c; |' d8 E
  10、actuary 精算师(受雇于保险公司或退休基金公司,根据死亡率和意外事故、火灾、盗窃等的可能性,估计保险风险和费用)
' C2 b7 Y* O/ F: w& i" o  例:Actuaries spend their time working out whether or not an accident will happen and how much it will cost if it does.

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