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[BEC高级] BEC高级写作辅导:留学推荐信怎么写

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  推荐信在留学申请中能起到的最重要的作用,就是以权威的身份来证实申请者在个人陈述或其它文件中所展示的个人经历、成就、素质以及技能等等。! H9 W6 o9 i( k8 I1 _
+ Z3 Q+ a* Q* D5 ]1 X( G3 n% M  1.用尽所有表现人类美德、才华和优秀的形容词,却没有一个具体例证。我们都知道“事实胜于雄辩”,但我们给外国人看的推荐信上却偏偏是反其道而行之。
+ b0 o9 v4 t1 W: b3 w! b& U  2.总把申请者吹成一个大师,让人难以置信。许多推荐人 “特别地钦佩” 他们的学生,“一辈子也没有碰上这样的天才”。
0 e) ]; Y# `2 L9 b( w/ n  3.内容千篇一律,让人一看就是抄的。几乎每一篇推荐信都有这样的描述:课堂上所有别的学生都无法回答某个问题,只有这位天才站起来侃侃而谈,“显示了深厚的功底和创造力。” 可是没有一位申请者说得出来当时到底谈论的是什么话题。) b0 Y8 S5 F5 D- r
  4.没有正确地选择推荐者。作为推荐者一般应该具备如下几个条件。一是必须要有比被推荐者更高职位或更多的学识,这样才有能力和资格来评判被推荐者。另外一个必不可少的条件是,推荐者必须有机会了解被推荐者。所以合适的推荐人应该是教过你或指导过你的教授,或者是工作单位中的顶头上司。4 f% u! \! W' r" h
  5.写作时马虎和草率。许多申请者一口气给自己写三封推荐信(一般要求是三封),然后让三个教授签字。这样,不仅内容相同、 语气类似,用词也差不多,甚至语法和拼写错误也一模一样,更有甚者,打印的字体也是分毫不差。  0 e. M0 S% U6 ~' U/ G' c. K
  推荐信的评改1 {6 M! \. u# B- _
  下面通过对几篇推荐信中的段落的评论来进一步地阐述好的推荐信应该怎么写。6 m. k- R: q: Q( l8 j' R+ D
  Miss Ruanjian is now working under my immediate supervision in the Engineering Department of the Heavy-duty Equipment Co, Ltd. Ruanjian has proved to be of invaluable assistance in adapting our international corporate operating system to clear the hurdles of relatively undeveloped Chinese market conditions.
9 R5 c& I0 Y+ l; [4 K  One of Ruanjian’s greatest contributions is in the adaptation and modification of our integrated IBC (Industrial Boiler Control) software. The rigidity of the program structure had often led to complications in our relations with our clients.  She was able to work with both the program and with our clients to smooth points of friction and eventually satisfy our clients.  Subsequently, she has succeeded in adapting our program to avoid such further instances.  She learns from mistakes and quickly takes steps to avoid them in the future.
6 l% O' q/ c8 Y0 U; g4 n  评论:" k6 ]4 k0 w& I5 P2 P4 I
  我们一般在第一段就要说清楚推荐人与被推荐人的关系、双方各处于什么职位。如果被推荐人是推荐人的雇员或者合作伙伴,应该说明被推荐人的职位以及工作职责,也可以概括一下被推荐人所做的一些重点项目。最后也可以用一句话总体评价一下被推荐人。" W# {& T+ _( H: N! }' U
  本文虽然只选了两段,但已经是推荐信的主要内容了。在这篇推荐信里,推荐人并没有使用太多的形容词,只是让事实本身说话。被推荐人“软件小姐”在公司里销售与重工业设备配套的软件。因为每一个单位的设施不尽相同,因此经常需要对软件产品作适当的调整,并且与申请者进行充分的沟通。“软件小姐”非常胜任这项工作,并且有能力从以往的错误中总结经验,指导今后的销售工作。虽然叙述的事情不多,但非常具体、真实,连软件的名称和用处都予以了说明。这样的推荐信通过事例来说明一个人的经历和能力,尽管简短却要言不烦,非常有效。: e- y8 Z2 v7 r$ E( ~4 n, I! y: h$ N
  At this water plant, she has consistently demonstrated a keen mind and impeccable work ethics. She started working as my assistant when I was conducting research on the application of the fiber filtering technology to the treatment of drinking water, which is traditionally treated with sodium silicate. My research represented the first attempt at applying the fiber filtering technology outside the realm of industrial wastewater treatment.3 ?' n- q' [7 w, h- d/ A* \; U
  Ms. Du stopped at nothing in her effort to learn. She quickly learned to operate all the equipment and devices skillfully. When the plant completed converting the old filters into fast-filters, she seized the occasion as a good opportunity for her to practice what she had learned. Assigned to test the quality of the water flowing out of the new filters, she had to do protracted data recording to find out the functioning of the new filters under different conditions. Undeterred by the monotony of the job, she discharged her duties with great patience and meticulous care.
9 F3 w! V, x4 f  评论:$ i3 g# N* D6 ?" n
9 |( b9 D4 W* e# h' O  ~  以上这封推荐信介绍了学环境工程的杜女士在工作上的表现,她的工作是配合研制水净化设备。本文没有像许多申请者那样把一个刚出道的年轻工程师吹捧成一个大师, “独立承担着”某项划时代的科研项目,而是恰如其分地介绍了杜女士在工作的初期还在继续学习,她在这段培训过程中十分地刻苦,工作十分细致,出色地完成了非常枯燥的、重复性的数据记录工作。
, X! \7 K( V  q$ Y8 O- [  j9 h  其实国外任何指导实验的教授都知道,一个研究生刚毕业到了研究部门只能是做些辅助的工作,所以杜女士拥有这样的经历已经足以说明其素质和能力了。所以在推荐信中,切忌不切实际地瞎吹。否则,就会弄巧成拙,反而会起到反效果。

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