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[BEC高级] 2011商务英语实用写作经典句子:离职篇一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 How Many Ways Can You Say Goodbye to a Job?   有多少种方式可以和当前工作说“拜拜”?
2 N% {0 f! \8 @& C2 x  As talk of a thaw in hiring freezes rises above a whisper, many people are already planning to look for a new position when the job market picks up.
' ?& S5 }; c( c+ A  随着关于招聘市场解冻的传言渐起,许多人都琢磨着要在就业市场回暖时找份新工作。
$ r( X( w: |) T. }8 l  Some 60% of workers say intend to leave their jobs when the economy approves, according to a survey by Right Management, a talent and career-management consulting firm in Philadelphia. It might be tempting to give the boss an earful if you land a new job in the coming months. But the way you quit can have a long term impact on your career. How to resign on good terms:
, G/ G( o3 q- {4 {  在接受费城职业管理咨询公司Right Management调查的美国雇员中,约有六成的人说希望在经济好转后辞去现有工作。假如未来几个月你能找到下家,那么在临别前你可能颇有那么点想向老板甩上几句狠话。不过,你离职的方式有可能给你的职业生涯带来长期影响。以下是几种恰当的职场“分手”礼仪:

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