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[BEC高级] 2011商务英语实用写作经典句子:离职篇四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 -Scrub your digital footprint. Clear your browser cache, remove passwords to Web sites you use from work, such as your personal email or online bank account and delete any personal files on your work computer that aren't relevant to work. Don't delete anything work related if you're required to keep it.   -抹去你的电子足迹。清空你的浏览器缓存,删去你在办公室登入个人邮箱或网上银行帐户时输入的密码,并删除你电脑上任何与工作无关的个人文件。如果公司要求你保留一些工作文件的话,那么不要删掉它们。
. ^! P: N! y4 `1 t9 q  -Be honest but remain positive. Be helpful during the exit interview but keep responses simple and professional. Don't use the session to lay blame or rant about the workplace. 'Whatever you do, don't confess about how much you disliked working there,' says Ms. Maslach. 'If you want to leave a helpful bit of advice or opinion, consider offering your expertise to your soon-to-be ex-boss . . . offer to be available to them for advice when they get in a rut.'
  G% ]3 i1 @( P, h8 _  -诚实,但要保持正面姿态。在离职面谈中要表示愿意为公司提供帮助,但你的回答应力求简单而专业。不要在这个时候抱怨或斥责现在的这份工作。马斯拉奇说,你无论如何都不要明说自己有多么讨厌这份工作。她说,如果你想留下一些有用的建议或看法,就把它们告诉即将成为你前老板的人吧……告诉他们如果以后在工作中想听到建议的话,自己愿意伸出援手。
) r5 p! X3 s% l' F+ k4 W  -Stay close. Consider joining an employee alumni association, which often serves as a networking group for former employees. It can be a good way to keep up with changes in the company and industry -- and find leads to new jobs down the road. Keep in touch with coworkers you worked closely with; they may end up in management roles.
) o1 q. F! P7 c& f) ^* `1 Z  -保持密切联系。考虑加入前雇员组成的小团体,建立一个联络平台。这是紧跟公司和行业变化的好办法,而且你还能并从中发现可能的工作机会。和你的前同事保持联系,因为他们日后有可能跻身管理层

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