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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:报盘三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
141. here are our latest price sheets. You’ll see that our prices are most competitive.* a; v1 D: ]3 C$ {$ ?5 O
这是我们的 最新价格单,你会发现我方的价格极有竞争性。: L! u0 }9 u4 _) Z7 U
142. We believe that the price we offer you can compete well with those of other firms.; K% x1 g  ^  y7 h, q; c
$ G0 P, C4 M* ^/ f; t5 ^: m( `143. We hope you will accept our offer and give us your order soon.* P. O$ ^! W1 A: S% E! f
+ n# O- {) k2 |* Y144. We feel that our offer will give you full satisfaction and hope to receive a favorable reply from you soon.
+ p! T; t2 P+ I8 o5 t! w2 `我们认为我方的报价会令贵方十分满意,并期待着尽快收到贵方同意的答复。
/ O1 m: c# t: s145. If you think our proposal acceptable, pleas let us have your order at an early date.* G: a! m1 D2 R& ]; B# C$ j0 b

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