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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:对还盘的反应四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
216. The possibility of a fall in price is rather remote, I’m afraid.
" m5 t  W! n. a9 n& \恐怕降价的可能性是很渺茫的。3 Y% ?1 J! T$ s. g+ }
217. The price we offer you is the lowest, we cannot do better.
/ x* q1 S8 P6 p0 l0 q( ]3 A我方所报价格已经是最低了,我们无法再让了。
; R, t, |3 |0 G* A218. We very much regret to say that we can’t cut the price to the extent your required.* A" R0 Y; c$ t9 H9 J
6 ~, n; I% v+ U' `0 J" v- m2 `219. We are in a difficult position to satisfy your request for reducing the price.
$ j4 L$ G4 w7 S' H- v5 C我们很难满足你们的降价要求。& S- V. \( n( }0 P3 s  S7 z# ?1 p
220. It is really difficult to comply with your request for shading the price.
( d, X1 z0 N' w关于你方要求降价一事,我们实难照办。

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