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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:对包装的建议及要求二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
576. As the goods will probably be subject to a thorough customs examination, the cases should by of a type which can be easily made fast again after opening.
9 Z/ @2 O) G) B# K: T* [0 B, X由于货物可能会受到海关的彻底检查,所以包装盒应采用打开后能很容易再包起来的包装方式。' f  F4 }1 V; t, z4 F! K
577. To avoid pilferage, we hope that the goods will be packed in wooden cases instead of in cartons as the cartons are easier to be cut open.
2 s, m. V0 s& N. V, `" [% {为了避免失窃,我方希望货物用木箱包装,而不是用纸盒包装,因为纸盒很容易用刀子割开。
; w1 U. l" y6 I8 q1 Z! b; e578. We have no objection to your packing the goods in cartons if you guarantee in your sales confirmations that you will pay compensation if we fail to get indemnification from the insurance company for the reason that the goods are not packed in seaworthy wooden cases.
' l: S8 G9 X1 B- G# y/ \3 V7 O我方不会反对用纸盒包装货物,只要贵方能在销售确认书上保证,一旦保险公司以货物的包装不适于航海的理由而拒绝赔偿我方的损失,贵方就要作出赔偿。
7 b' d  E2 k& ~+ K+ W  S579. We want the machine to be packed each in wooden case supported with soft materials to ensure that the machines thus packed will not shift inside the cases.
! X" b1 m& n* {2 c' u我方希望每台机器都能用木箱包装,里面衬有柔软的衬里材料,以确保这样的包装的机器不会在箱子里面晃动。
: c+ |( w8 P, v580. The green beans can be supplied in bulk or in gunny bags.
% e6 L# M$ F  l8 g* p$ _青豆可以散装,也可以用麻袋装。

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