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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:仲裁一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
721 We should settle the dispute through negotiations without resorting to legal proceeding.; ^& v9 A. T3 K' j5 k  W
我们应通过协商来解决争议,而不应通过法律程序来解决。4 {( M' {. d4 h6 k* t, F- ]
722. We prefer to resolve disputes by amicable, nonbonding conciliation between two parties.
' g7 R- E  w0 ~8 l9 y; s我方更倾向于双方通过友好、非约束力的调解来解决争议。
7 z* K0 ]: T# B3 N( S& J- x! t5 U; j723. As a matter of fact most disputes can be settled in a friendly way, with a view to developing a long-term relationship.
1 W( a: j+ t, u( O事实上,本着发展长期关系的意愿,大多数争议都是可以通过友好的方式来加以解决的。" _6 I1 P+ V% M; w9 Y/ G0 t
724. All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation.  M7 j2 }# b) a. e4 A2 Z, e( e
4 Q& A) m( `& C  Q7 _5 N) F725. Personally I should say it’s so much better to resolve the dispute through friendly negotiations between ourselves.
' u3 C' \9 N; h! D. W# n( I, K% ^我个人认为,最好我们自己通过友好协商来解决争议。

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