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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:催运货物并告知货物迟到结果五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
711. If you can’t effect delivery within the stipulated time, we will have to lodge a claim against you for the loss and reserve the right to cancel the contract.9 Z2 v6 D; E# j8 M' N7 O
如果贵方不能在规定的时间内发货的话,我方将不得不提出索赔,要求贵方赔偿并保留取消合同的权力。9 Z3 N' s0 Z  I  P7 a
712. If you fail to deliver the goods according to the agreed time, you should indemnify us for all losses and corresponding expenses." ^; c; |1 W2 I3 y3 y* [' N
如果贵方不能按照商定的时间内交货的话,贵方应该赔偿我方所有的损失和相关费用。' i3 w2 O6 Y; k
713. If there is still no information from you about the expedition of shipment by the end of this month, we’ll be forced to cancel the contract and reserve the right to lodge a claim against you for the loss.
0 U7 t9 h8 h+ s本月底以前如仍无发货消息,我们将不得不取消合同并保留向你们索取赔偿我方损失的权力。
/ ~- S& K& P4 c- t714. We wish to point out that if you fail to effect shipment within the time specified, we shall not be able to fulfill the contract with our client.0 w/ c  A2 f: V" a5 N8 G  _' M
8 {- i3 w8 S0 ?5 n% `; s7 q2 M715. We would like to emphasize that any delay in shipping our booked order will undoubtedly involve us in no small difficulty.( s: F; \' E- b( Y6 e8 y! l

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