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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:仲裁二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
726. Friendly negotiation is the best way to settle the dispute between us if there is any.
/ @, [$ s( z) T' T0 M" J. _如果我们之间产生任何争议的簅,友好协商是最好的解决办法。7 @1 O' x% u/ F0 q
727. Where do you want to have arbitration held?1 A4 A) `# y7 X! O- l1 d4 X8 H
你们想在什么地方进行仲裁?3 i& f/ I- f% ]% f
728. As far as the place for arbitration is concerned, the customary practice is to hold arbitration in the country of defendant.
/ |3 \6 f7 I( m! W. i: ?# j就仲裁地而言,通常的做好是在被告方的国家进行仲裁。( \/ Q& ~7 ^3 Y/ [3 N, t6 x
729. If we submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is to be in Japan and if you submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is to be in China.
  o7 O' g6 W: v% w如果我们要提交仲裁案的话,仲裁地应该是日本,而如果你们要提交仲裁的话,仲裁地应该是中国。
) r& m) w  @$ r. a9 O( S" d8 h730. If the buyer is the plaintiff, the arbitration shall take place in Beijing.2 ]: r( N$ F% l$ `% s6 J

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