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[BEC高级] 2012商务英语写作指导:对引进技术的要求四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
876. Since the existing know-how transferred by your company will soon become obsolete, we expect that you will continue offering us your improved technological expertise., B6 Q9 ^0 ~8 ]/ i2 _6 K1 [
/ J  _: g$ q" v- t* l877. By advanced technology, we mean both industrial property and know-how.
: O3 y1 U6 e7 c9 O/ V4 |2 m9 `所谓先进技术,我方指的是工业产权和专有技术。
8 y1 ?+ C' B8 e  }( A; \5 `/ j/ Z878. If the documents you send us cannot be used, or if one item or more mentioned in the packing list should be lacking, you have to send all the documents or the lacking items at your cost, within 45 days from the date you receive the written notice from us.+ n0 Y9 t) i' A; ]# |3 v1 f
如果贵方提供给我方的数据无法使用,或者缺少包装单里的其中一项或多项。贵方必须在收到我方书面通知后的45天内,将所有的文件或缺少的内容寄达我方,邮寄费用由贵方自己承担。0 C3 {% K. Z# [6 L( U3 z
879. If any serious difficulties arise with regard to the working of the engines which we built, and if it is proved that such difficulties are at fault in any data, drawings or documents you sent us, you would, at your expense, correct such faulty data, drawings or documents.6 c( N( G& S1 [/ i
如果我方生产的机械出现严重的问题,如果经证实,这些问题是由于贵方提供给我方的数据、图纸或文件中的缺陷而引起的,贵方必须修改这些错误的数据、图纸或文件,费用由贵方自己承担。3 x$ |+ u! J% F  t( A: @- F. q
880. If the technical documents provided by you are not applicable to our actual production condition, you are obliged to assist us in modifying the technical documents.
7 |/ f( c/ ~5 E* N+ |1 i你方提供的技术数据,如有不适合我方生产条件的,你方有责任帮助我方修改技术数据。

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