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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(1) 2 V$ J5 a/ M/ R4 U! S& T
Helen: 怎么啦?  
5 D: p" t& E% ]& K# Y& l& M/ vNeil: I posted my house-keys.  
% Q* K% j/ C) }, M, p4 EHelen: 你把你大门钥匙给寄走了?哎呀,你是不是搞错了,把钥匙当成信给扔信筒里了?  $ P: L8 _4 L1 G, R$ [6 e1 }! O: s
Keep me posted. But what does it mean?  " i. I( F6 {0 c
Neil: Yes, I got it mixed up. Instead of putting a letter in, I put my keys in.  
( x" x5 S' i3 {$ _0 V$ MHelen: Oh dear.  8 C3 ~, g6 a# l. x' t- O  A
Neil: But I have my address attached to my keys, so maybe they’ll get back to me.  
4 P  N7 j0 h, ~Helen: Yes, 可能好心人会寄回来给你。不过你可能面临更大的危险,因为有人既有你的住址信息又有你的大门钥匙。  
- t; c* S, e+ i( |# E* E; I8 hNeil: Oh no, burglars might get in! I’d better wait outside to see what happens.  1 N9 `, V' A$ Y% B% x. U, [
Helen: OK, good luck.  
4 n% e7 `5 P+ k' q8 ^6 UNeil: I’ll keep you posted. See you later!

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


Helen: Neil 说 keep me posted. 这并不是说他要把我给寄走。这个通俗短语的意思是他会和我保持联系,告诉我事情发展的情况。请听以下几个例子:  2 H; I9 Y% F; n2 V" n; ^  `
I don’t know what time they’re arriving, but I’ll keep you posted! * R( |3 v& {; F7 l
Keep me posted on how things go in your new job!
. N4 R. X( J4 ~& ^1 G2 SI kept them posted on what was happening. + H6 [5 X  d+ v% }4 q* K
Helen: 希望 Neil 能找回他的大门钥匙. Hello?  
* a) A5 ~! ]9 E0 V. A. C* HNeil: Hi, it’s Neil.  , T2 [0 l! u: L% x
Helen: Neil! Any news  + u, z$ V. X7 H2 R( u8 j9 F
Neil: Well, someone posted my keys back to me.  
# ~5 \( W5 g4 f9 |/ z  qHelen: Great!  
, r5 I7 \" y3 C& P( N, FNeil: But they put them through the letterbox!  
& o, L: X! I  S# r4 K5 c* UHelen: Oh no. 你的钥匙回来了,但你被锁在门外了。  
1 R2 x! s& ]0 X' P# |- FNeil: And I’m stuck! I tried to get through a window but I don’t fit. I’m half-in, half-out.  " M  e/ J! e: Z0 o7 c2 T
Helen: 什么?你被窗户夹住了!  4 n, P# S# F6 T5 V9 T
Neil: Thank goodness for that, help must be arriving.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:56 | 显示全部楼层


Police: Don’t move!  
5 p4 }$ w+ }9 w4 o; a  G' GNeil: Does it look like I can move?  
( X$ x- K0 t0 L- s4 n; k3 uPolice: Hands on your head!  
. l  ]' d' U8 J7 L0 wHelen: 听起来有人报警了,他们肯定认为 Neil 想偷东西。  4 P, q0 Z/ a( @2 Z6 f
Neil: But, this is my house!  3 s1 y- @" R  x% _: @0 C1 G& X" z% _
Police: Is it indeed?  8 q3 ~( ]0 M/ v% ?3 z3 F4 z% `
Helen: 我不跟你多讲了,你先和警察解释吧。But do keep me posted Neil!  
7 o- g: R) I; T- l0 lNeil: Keep you posted! How am I going to do that if I’m locked up? Arrested for for breaking into my own house!  # q) _$ {' h8 u. R) d! Y3 ]* w+ ~) @
Helen: Bye!
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