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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" `" A4 K$ n$ c% I: Z4 v0 OLi: Neil, can we get this programme done now? I need to get some stuff for my Sunday roast dinner. $ T9 h  `6 O- x- i
Neil: I am stuffed, totally (burp), sorry, stuffed! 2 ~( ^4 i: l9 [
Li: Well, since today’s words are stuff and stuffed, I think you will be just perfect to explain them.
) [9 b- Z: u& VNeil: Oh that’s easy. I knew I was going to a launch party this lunch time, so I skipped breakfast.
1 j4 y4 J" g5 {7 jLi: Neil 说为了去中午的自助餐,他的早饭没吃。That’s not good.
( [5 n" O1 O* ]6 y- ]Neil: Anyway, I got there and a lovely buffet was set up. The stuff on offer looked great. " \0 n. i; C" z3 y
Li: Stuff? You mean the food? 外语学习网
" i  `" |. |9 j8 KNeil: Yes. The word ’stuff’ can mean literally anything. It almost has the same meaning as ’things’.
6 L1 u0 m6 I0 P  i0 c. L/ A9 h( Y4 [, TLi: Stuff 可以用来泛指任何东西。Let’s hear these people: ) p- C; p+ h- j/ N/ o  y
$ B$ ]& x0 K1 `1 DWe need to clear the lockers. Can you get all your stuff out by 7pm tonight.
1 J% A0 h( q% |+ c, ?7 tThe amount of stuff she’s got in her bathroom is unbelievable. She’s got enough to open a beauty shop. - h# S" ?0 V0 D7 z# G
Woman: What’s that stuff on your jacket? 考试用书! I3 S. d( \% a$ L& J2 U/ E
Man: Er, it’s pigeon dropping. Yuck.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


Li: 刚才的对话中我们听到英国人在不同的情况下都可以使用 stuff 这个词。People say it all the time. 我的什么东西,你的什么东西,他的什么东西。All referring to things. 1 q# p. k9 b1 _5 ^! q& B
This man is stuffing himself with food 2 v) G- U( B: D5 B0 ?7 p
Neil: Yes. You can also use it as a verb. To stuff something. Like, I ate a lot this lunchtime. I stuffed myself with food.
. l) b7 e& c( S& C- E  [( L2 U( B: ULi: 吃瞠了就是 stuffed, completely full?
/ G' T0 T8 l7 ?9 U' s7 ?+ d6 INeil: Yes, I am completely stuffed, I can barely move.
) I. O9 s6 s1 b) [/ pLi: What about stuffed toys? 那些软塞绒毛玩具 I see them a lot in toyshops. Look at you now; you look just like one of them. / b  T' K# T4 Y
Neil: I can’t stand them. They are stuffed full of wool or cotton or something. They are for girls. I much prefer proper wooden toys.
) c3 K% _2 |2 ~/ uLi: 不喜欢软的,难道你喜欢木头做的枕头吗?Maybe you’d prefer a wooden pillow too? 0 d% h/ J7 O) O! P
Neil: Are you joking! I’ve got to have a nice and soft pillow. But I must make sure it has the right stuffing in it.
5 {5 x  Y: V- m2 X" _4 }Li: Stuffing 就是塞到枕头里的材料。What’s the right stuffing?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:56 | 显示全部楼层


Neil: Anything but feather or duck down.
7 s, V! }+ c7 Q) L# _) A! uLi: Why?
8 N& ~/ R5 u. h( {  ~/ N# vNeil: Allergies. 中 华 考 试 网
% C4 d% O; G) P7 iLi: Neil 说他对鸭绒过敏。
' V* P6 p9 D6 X- b$ I$ r) h1 S' _Neil: I can’t stand anything stuffed with feathers.
0 h  o* y( a* ]% Q. @* x& Q0 dLi: I think we’ve talked long enough about stuff you eat for lunch, stuff that you liked and stuff that gives you allergies. 9 r! q% D/ L+ k% \
Neil: Oh yes, it’s time for you to get your stuff ready for Sunday Roast. % r) w+ Z8 k0 |' N  E- c  H
Li: Of course. Join us next time. Bye bye!
0 {. F8 i# C$ w) `) WNeil: Bye!
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