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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. n# C( ^" l6 U8 {3 C$ i+ }The script of this programme 本节目台词$ v. G' ^2 B" D/ L1 L- Y
Rob: Hello, I'm Rob.Hold on Helen. We can't hear you properly.0 @1 r* G0 Q, Y
Helen: What's happening?
7 y+ v- T/ a6 n& J2 F+ f& A8 t$ s2 ORob: I think your microphone's playing up.
. A# A! Q0 t( P; h$ E; UHelen: Playing up 玩起来?
& O1 n0 f, f1 |, @2 KRob: Sorry, sorry, I didn't quite catch that.8 o/ H' Q1 o) \6 E3 A% e, W& T
Helen: Let me just push this button. There! 我的麦克刚才出问题了。But Rob you said the microphone was playing up?* Q* p0 [. G6 W# H2 {* f- |5 o
Rob: That's right. It wasn't working properly. You see, if something isn't working as it should be, we sometimes say it's playing up.$ j4 y% y4 I$ H8 {, W
Helen: 如果什么东西不像原来那么好用了,或者出现小故障,那么我们就可以说 it's playing up. 只能是 playing up – not down?& t3 }6 H, n2 W3 j4 F" `& A& l
Is his leg playing up?0 g6 w( L$ Z+ z4 B8 Z. H- A
2 h0 F# g3 ~( t
Rob: Nope. Playing down something is a different expression that means something totally different.
$ x; l$ ~1 a+ W" `# hHelen: OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?
" ~' r: C9 ?: }2 b8 f  IRob: Exactly. And let's hear about some other things that are playing up…
# J9 q4 l: f9 Z1 w" z. q' _1 ~) L1 m8 F

1 V% d" M4 k7 I- r9 nI don't think I'll be able to give you a lift to work today; my car's been playing up.www.examw.com
# w' x1 H% r4 Z$ a
/ V1 j1 C3 O1 J/ D3 WMy phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Helen: That sounds like my phone! 如果一个东西时好时坏,那么它表现可真不好,它失灵了 it's misbehaving.
1 T, C+ Z) k& G1 `Rob: Ha ha! You could say that. And it's just like people. When they misbehave we say they're playing up. Like this…+ o3 o; y/ f# ]( x
5 V- V9 n+ c% ~3 x
( @$ }0 z4 j" g6 {" @" ]; \
Sorry, but I'm going to be late. The children have been playing up and I've still got so much to do.* l/ w; J# I: X& E8 r" h

! ]; e9 y5 P) o0 ]  d% T. i& `$ U3 r$ I
Helen: 当小孩子们表现不好时,我们也可以说他们不听话了。I think it's usually because they want attention.5 Q/ v4 ]  f5 }8 \' Q. E( l, D+ x
Rob: Mmm, now Helen, could I have your attention now please, because playing up is also something you can say to describe to a part of your body that's not working properly.
6 }$ W: U5 E3 K, R) x4 H- q1 d
" ?+ w" x& a5 |% P7 {( A5 U( w* ^4 d# [1 i( P2 L3 c% y/ J/ u
Ow! I'm going to have to lie down; my back's playing up again.我们可以说我们的身体部位出现小故障,比如今天腰疼了,不好使。So it seems playing up refers to anything that's not working or behaving as it should. Now Rob, my leg's also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?# m7 W* P! N1 Q- _* K, F, ]) W
Rob: No way – oh it sounds like my microphone's playing up now!: b7 a( F2 T- G! I
Helen: No Rob, it's you who's playing up – now switch it back on!! l% u" f  R  m7 u1 L
Rob: Oh, oh OK then, Helen!8 X; F8 j: K5 }, K( z. K* p8 d
Helen: Let's go then. 再见!: U+ M  o/ o: I' z
Rob: Bye.
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