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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语考试中级口语对话练习(5)8 n4 G) @* m8 D: |9 n0 M
The script of this programme 本节目台词
' q0 {; u+ B& w6 r5 W. c2 q4 ^9 v. ANeil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm Neil (demonic laughter).
- @8 Y6 a# I5 F; iLi: 我是杨莉 (scream)
& ~- f* K# _' J* q8 F9 hNeil: It's Halloween time, so we have a special, scary edition of the programme today (more demonic laughter)8 L' g9 P. I, d: R
Li: That's right. 西方的万圣节之际,我们为大家制作了一个特辑,一个鬼节特辑。 (More screaming)
/ F# T4 \% H+ M9 j- sNeil: Today we want to give you the creeps!
* D0 T' [) c  u" PLi: Give them what?!
5 y+ N' g# L' ^! pNeil: The creeps. To give somebody the creeps.# ^& o4 X' j6 |/ ^: |" _/ ]
Li: To give somebody the creeps. 意思是让人感到紧张害怕,毛骨悚然 。3 u+ v9 C- r% B8 \$ V: i3 w3 f3 Q
Neil: (More demonic laughter)+ ~' c2 s+ B& ?, u* ]  I
Li: Stop it Neil! You're giving me the creeps.( t; T/ E% Y, x7 k' ~5 S! f( a
0 C1 j; V4 @# q5 S# e+ ~
Man: (whispering) What's that noise?中 华 考 试 网
5 A  L, f7 r. d1 z6 E' e9 Z, K/ cWoman: What noise?
# Y9 a8 \/ X. K$ w' v3 h7 eMan: Those footsteps… shh... listen…& ~8 m8 K( H: u! Y! q( m+ V
Woman: I can't hear anything. Stop it! You're giving me the creeps.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


Li: 对话中的男子觉得他听到自家的房子里有脚步声,越说越让旁边的女子感到毛骨悚然。这位女子说,You're giving me the creeps. </p>
0 w' f4 l5 c$ GNeil: What gives you the creeps, Li?6 K1 m3 R9 T% Y3 g9 v! d: j" v' o
Li: Oh I hate horror films. Some people find them entertaining but they just scare me.1 m2 S( P4 I; e( g- |
Does the traditional halloween jack-o'-lantern give you the creeps?' \7 H7 {+ b( e6 B" ]& r7 B

5 I5 A; J# g, O1 t7 S" }$ b1 q* k1 e, X, Z; k! h- Z5 f, t3 n
Neil: Yeah, they always give me the creeps too.
7 m; Z2 A! `* E9 Z9 R' ]. OLi: What else gives you the creeps, Neil?
7 {5 o( N, k% X7 pNeil: I really, really hate cockroaches. The way they disappear when you turn a light on. And the fact it's so hard to kill them. They just give me the creeps.4 T: W% J" c1 _! S* B! P6 P
Li: Neil 说,他最害怕的是蟑螂 Cockroaches give him the creeps.3 i2 g* o! L8 ]6 o& J
Neil: Urgh… just thinking about them gives me the creeps.
' j. L( v8 z: F4 s, h5 v' jLi: I'm scared of spiders! They give me the creeps.Yeah and that laugh gives me the creeps (demonic laughter)% t0 B( I! k4 @* ?: z
Neil: That scream gives me the creeps (scream).
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