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[BEC中级] BEC商务英语中级口试指导(31)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1.Are you clear about this position?你对这个职位了解吗?
+ h+ f( ?/ O+ U2 C  A: Are you clear about this position?
; t* L, A8 R5 ^% g* i6 ]  B: Kind of. I'd like to know more about it.
+ m. v1 T3 x  N& ~  A:你对这个职位了解吗?5 d: K# i$ i0 e& H- y0 p
  B:差不多,我想再多了解一些。   2.Describe your experience in English 用英语介绍一下你的工作经验( b( k% h/ l& O0 {, x, [, }
  A: Would you be able to describe your experience in English?
8 ?& e5 x/ W2 B  B: Yes. Let me introduce myself to you in English first.
0 D1 H. s! k; b* \$ r7 M  j; T  A:你能用英语介绍一下你的工作经验吗?
) a6 y% `! z) C- V2 H  B:好的,我先用英语自我介绍一下。
; V' Y3 R5 A4 U" _4 k' k/ p1 @  3.Fit in 适合- w1 H, J$ g7 U$ H3 [5 H3 k. T
  A: How do you see yourself fit in the picture?; C, b* a6 p! i0 }
  B: I can serve as a Lead Engineer. With my past experience, I'm confindent that I can lead a team.
# I0 a' V! s- b3 B$ C3 B' }8 P( W  A:你觉得自己怎么能适合这里的工作?& s# ^5 [9 @1 X/ q
  B:我可以做主管工程师。以我过去的经验,我有信心领导一个团队。1 c) g4 a1 ]& e0 e0 K! D$ [; u
  4.How are you going to... 你会如何……
. [( b! S* j0 u% q  A: How are you going to deal with any challenges at work?
! C) ^% w# V) B9 Z  ]8 h, m1 _  B: I need some experience before. Let me tell you how I dealt with difficulties before?9 }8 V1 H2 l  M+ P" y& x4 X
# b0 \1 Z; I, z7 N  B:我以前有过经历,我来说说我过去是怎样解决难题的。( O0 I% R' J# x3 R# Q2 ^
  5.When can you start if we offer you the job? 如果你应聘成功,什么时候可以上班?: G- Q9 w: h7 B2 H& ^6 H6 ^$ F
  A: When can you start if we offer you the job?7 V+ ~$ S3 {) x3 ]) {0 c7 Z( o# H  R
  B: In two weeks.
* r3 C, o* u" }: I9 p0 }3 G: H3 U  A:如果你应聘成功,什么时候可以上班?2 \' w8 w6 o  B, b4 I4 T5 {) [( y

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