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[BEC中级] BEC商务英语中级口试指导(44)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Get an organization chart 要组织机构图& T5 ?0 j. b4 `
  A: Can I get an organization chart ?& E, x# B5 E& m7 M6 P
  B: Did you get any authorization for this?
3 g# [7 Z) M( j6 f; x! _  A: Do I need to?: O' ?6 B2 H- y2 J
  B: No. I was just kidding. I’ll get you a copy right away.+ d" n) B+ J$ |" b) v( s% p
  A:我能要一张组织机构图吗?, ^5 B- G. b+ Q' [
- c2 Q3 J) C( `, f* d9 Q  A:真的需要审批单吗?
, \  E) e2 q3 `( h) m$ `  B:不需要,我逗你玩的,我这就给你复印一份。   2. Look for an expert 寻找行家
! y$ e( }9 R) b/ _2 k  A: Who is the expert on Louts Notes? I want to look for an expert.1 x; B& y% O2 b' g! k4 o
  B: Brain. He can help you with any problems.
0 c" v+ |: x. W  O4 O( u  A:谁是Louts Notes的行家?我想找一个行家。9 ]) [2 P* m) }+ r: j# l/ x
  B:布莱恩,他能帮你解决任何难题。; O! |+ a  }. f/ m; m! q$ U% T
  3. Where can I find sb.? 知道某人在哪吗?, K, {2 X9 d2 V: U
  A: Where can I find John?
) g- G/ e  x# T8 v9 N$ s  B: John sits in the Executive area by the front entrance. Go there and check with the front desk.
  {; r7 M  D- T6 T: q# N  q9 b  A:知道约翰在哪吗?# f3 m6 j* U% |" H! W
  B:约翰坐在前门附近的高管区,去前台问一下吧。% k! l* J( L  p/ T6 V6 G0 V
  4. Travel Department 差旅部& x  q0 M: z  Q6 }  f, v4 ]
  A: Where is the Travel Department ?
9 t4 N$ g, t+ o  v& E  B: Upstairs by the Mail Room.5 a3 K6 y' p4 F
  A:差旅部在哪里?0 ]0 E- r( g0 Z! T  S+ A4 o4 B: D
/ N0 J, `. ], T& Z  m. n  5. Would you mind … 你介意……
5 K2 \/ h2 u. y2 R  A: Would you mind my smoking?
. ]0 p' B8 w, M. y/ ^  |! }& M1 W  B: Yes, I would.
: U8 w; L2 ]8 b+ {5 ~" @- i  A:你介意我吸烟吗?
- P# Y5 P# F6 @0 _% B) M  Z  B:是的。

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