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[BEC中级] BEC商务英语中级口试指导(40)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.Call to remind 打电话提醒; w3 g- M4 j/ v- Y, ]; U
  A: Jean, before the meeting, could you call to remind the attendees?
) O# {, \0 H& i% I1 K  B: Okay. I'll call each one of them.
& V# x, ]  R3 H! c2 B6 R  A:珍,开会前打电话提醒参加会议的人好吗?8 E! r% v) \( L6 `1 X8 G' X
3 _$ X* i" K. r$ O; ~/ q  2.Ask ... to attend 邀请……参加  U- e! y' i; v% p
  A: Could you ask Mr. Wang to attend this meeting?$ b$ |7 c/ b" Q  N
  B: Okay. I'll call him right away.
  Q' x& ]- [+ z3 F6 N  g; Y, C) }  A:你请王先生参加这个会议好吗?
! Y4 g7 p# o8 g% ~/ t5 ?  B:好的,我这就给他打电话。
4 Q$ ^3 T0 o% i' d# R. Q% c6 L  3.No cell phones 关机
/ \' c* \2 T. ^3 ?6 R1 _  A: There will be no cell phones for this meeting. Please turn off your phones now.( A# o* {% B7 I& v
  B: Yes, Sir.. b; R4 d8 i/ v
  A:这个会不允许接电话,请现在就关掉手机。  Y. D3 o& b8 D, n/ R% Y# e% t
8 T4 _  a( p4 ?4 |, D4 G3 [) T  X  4.Meeting minutes 会议纪要
2 p  m) L2 @0 p5 O3 L  A: Who is going to write the meeting minutes?# F# }) B; f) l! O9 M
  B: Sharon will.) B: H4 w+ C) f3 i
4 _" T5 \% I8 ?$ K8 G3 a  B:莎伦来写。! @- D- u# ~3 v" x# i( [9 ]- ?
  5.Take notes 做记录& g& k6 P  q" l% ^# s$ G
  A: Kevin, please take notes.
6 B- K# e7 p" u5 H0 {  B: I will.
7 k6 c1 |5 L, O( g/ m  A:凯文,请做一下记录。

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