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[BEC中级] BEC商务英语中级口试指导(45)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Go across the street 过马路3 a1 S. U1 g5 f# |$ L- R: y; w3 o! x
  A: Let's go across the street for a walk.
0 Y' W" [, z% ?$ ]% x  B: Okay, sounds very nice.2 B% x/ A" p& f" z7 @% I1 Y
3 q/ Y) }9 Z, ~! I' k  B:好的,这主意不错。
) C- U! @7 m7 k. Z( G4 j% w  2. Go around the lake 去湖边走走
. o6 ^% o2 m! t" }. m  A: Would you like to go around the lake?
2 ^! O% M3 C) t2 K  B: Great idea!
+ }7 P, c# ]2 ~6 @, E/ L: L  A:你想不想去湖边走走?, O$ L$ W) c4 B. C4 d" b7 v
0 ~$ E7 e; f2 g: C  A$ N  3. How are things going? 怎么样?" q! n- q5 ~+ N
  A: How are things going recently?
; d+ F8 Z" l5 n& m- K& Z$ y( }  B: Pretty good.8 s  m8 q- g5 P: N9 b, t! p# i$ s1 d
1 E  T! n. c2 B% Z! L) ~  B:很好。
" o0 [, h/ i  v9 S. E3 {! F  4. How is your family? 家里人好吗?
% r5 }0 G  X) K5 e  A: How is your family?
) V) `8 I$ t- p( ~1 G  B: They are doing well.
: I1 {4 C# \# W$ J7 z' f  A:家里人好吗?
$ S# W& a, ?' F$ S  B:他们很好。
& D$ _( e! `% `/ K1 x& K* Z3 B: R  5. Let's go and get some fresh air. 我们出去呼吸一下新鲜空气吧。
- G* R: ~. i, |  A: After lunch, let's go and get some fresh air.+ e# {6 j9 M6 ~/ g% B+ D
  B: Good idea.
" T; N# O6 @1 k; P( @  A:吃完午饭,我们出去呼吸一下新鲜空气吧。) K: g9 G; |2 a" l/ x# S6 r

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