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[BEC中级] BEC商务英语中级口试指导(53)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Appointment 约会
% J, C2 S; ]2 I  A:How do you make an appointment on the computer?
9 F2 L* I# |: l$ `' V; O& R  B:Use the Calendar function.! k# N  }+ V. r/ G6 h
6 v* T' v8 N( E. s  B:可以使用“日历”中的功能。   2. Attach document 附件
. s+ ?3 {! _: v0 v' A% Q  i# Q+ g7 k- {  A: How do you attach a document with your email?
* z( `9 M/ X( z7 e' G1 [9 M  B: Click on the Attachment, browse to the document you want to attach, and click OK.
% h6 B3 L4 n8 H  A:怎样在电子邮件中加附件啊?  _, p# i' f4 @0 a
  B:点击“附加”,浏览到你要加的附件,然后点击确定。' w0 `- M5 C# r# g$ ?
  3.Data backup 数据备份
9 S$ h% C7 ?: `3 e/ Q  O  A: Do we have a data backup system?
  W$ Z4 K# Z! O  B: We do for CAD data. You have to backup the other files yourself.) M8 N7 ?( Z* |; x) T# P
  A:我们有数据备份系统吗?! ?1 J4 v$ k) O! G& T' p) c
8 R) b9 M" w% [# F8 G. ~  4.Netmeeting 网络会议1 ~4 h3 _7 T5 f, b
  A: Why don't we use Netmeeting instead of teleconference?It's free.
% J. y( i0 b1 K& W  B: Good idea. Let's try next time.
! e: A% u9 T1 @- O7 k  A:我们为什么不用网络会议代替电话会议呢?还是免费的。' v' l( r. Z( R
  L: E* [3 Y! l+ V) a+ G, s$ A  5.Video card 显卡
3 J2 V& T  M& q- A) E  A: I need a fast video card.
' w6 g" k  @7 p3 ~! x- c  B: Why?
' @/ n) A0 I& }# V+ T$ N- ~  z  A: I need to show animation in my presentations.- w" ~1 i: ~2 \- b/ b
  A:我需要一个快一点的显卡。1 }  |. P. b6 F" Y2 v% G0 M4 D' s& [
  B:为什么?# F7 u- m" m( H- ?/ V/ d

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