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[BEC中级] 2011年商务英语(BEC)中级考试阅读辅导5

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中国航空货运业“僧多粥少”   中国制造业的显著增长,促使航空货运公司争相发展其在华业务。然而,这可能成为一个业务规模扩张过大、速度过快的案例。' A  `1 ^( {8 B; U* ~4 Y5 E$ K, g
  China’s spectacular manufacturing growth has left air freight carriers scrambling to develop their activities in the country. But it could be a case of too much, too soon.
! n1 h( }4 @/ D: r6 V3 H& F/ I  两年前,从南京或上海空运货物至欧洲,每公斤运费高达4美元;如今的价格约为2.50美元。南京禄口机场副总经理徐勇表示:“在此项业务上仍有钱赚的航空公司非常少见。”
' h8 |, o% d, q% k6 f% m! u  Two years ago, flying goods from Nanjing or Shanghai to Europe cost up to $4 a kilogramme; today it the price is about $2.50. “Very few carriers are still making money here,’’ says Xu Yong, vice-president of Nanjing airport.
5 h  r- m9 J0 w4 m  i* n# A* U  由于机队扩张速度继续超出需求,航空公司正加剧中国一些机场的拥堵问题。徐勇警告称:“我们现在的飞机数量实在是太多了。”
' Y8 e; I3 v* V3 ^& a* L7 _  As fleet expansion continues to outpace demand, carriers are adding to congestion problems at some Chinese airports. “We have just far too many planes now”Mr Xu warns.7 |; y- Y, e/ q' K
  荷兰航空公司Martinair副总裁弗兰克?德容(Frank de Jong)表示,中国空运货物出口量正以每年约10%的速度增长,而飞机货物运力的增幅约为25%。
8 K% _# B- B# G, C5 \$ {/ H  Frank de Jong, vice-president at Martinair, the Dutch carrier, says the volume of Chinese exports by air is growing by about 10 per cent a year but aircraft cargo capacity is rising by about 25 per cent.
, \( M5 t! h! ]; A' M2 k  在亚洲,约半数货物在运输时都是放在定期客运航班的腹舱内。例如,在客运航空公司中,大韩航空(Korean Airlines)拥有全球规模最大的货运业务,其28%的收入来自航空货运业务。9 T6 t# n& W8 m: `/ S" w2 }1 Z
  In Asia, about half of cargo transported is carried in the belly of regular passenger flights. Korean Airlines, for example, has the world’s largest cargo business among passenger airlines, with 28 per cent of its revenue coming from air freight.) `" X$ Y4 F9 A" L' R9 ~) B
: w5 x2 ^9 z, U1 z6 M/ N, L, g$ V  In the US, the bulk of air cargo is handled by the specialist freight industry, led by UPS and FedEx. The Chinese government has recently granted greater access to the two companies.3 R* y5 y$ k3 M
  瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)分析师彼得?希尔顿(Peter Hilton)表示:“美国公司可以向中国体系内注入更多运力,并承接向来由亚洲航空公司包揽的货运业务。”; t, G# n9 ~+ z( y! s! I8 }
  Peter Hilton, analyst at Credit Suisse, says: “The Americans are being allowed to inject more capacity into the Chinese system and moving goods that would have traditionally gone to Asian carriers.”
( B" m2 G; s5 S( ~; S" }- K  中国政府已加大其发展国内航空货运业的努力,鼓励国内航空公司与经验更为丰富的西方货运公司合作。而就在不久前,中国政府的重点还几乎全放在航空客运业的改革和扩张方面。" A! Y* {: l( {$ x
  Beijing has stepped up its efforts to develop a domestic air freight industry, encouraging its airlines to team up with more experienced Western cargo operators. Until recently, the Chinese government had instead focused almost exclusively on overhauling and expanding the passenger airline industry.
) ]0 J  c. ]% P' D, ^$ ^  一位香港银行家表示:“从政治角度来看,运送旅客比运输货物更能建立声望,但政府已意识到,货运对出口驱动型的制造业领域至关重要。”) K1 \7 z$ W# C5 |
  A Hong Kong banker says: “Politically, there’s a lot more prestige in helping move people rather than goods, but the government has woken up to how crucial freight is for an export-led manufacturing sector.”

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