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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读理解练习06

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The book offers some information about communication style. * z8 p9 W8 ]* v+ F/ |9 m1 a
Answer: A
" b1 p1 Y  Y1 k$ _% X+ R  
3 g& A  J, H5 \# x( m/ V" X6 y* K1.   It aims to train the students to become sensitive to different styles of writing. ' F; [$ {. q7 f& R; Y* V* F1 t# n
2.   Students are expected to learn something about American society. $ P6 {: ]1 l/ x
3.   It mainly focuses on the development of your reading techniques. 6 ]# T! x) m7 {) J  T9 V1 |
4.   Students are encouraged to participate in group activities.
: k( q6 S) r6 X! H5.   Some useful information is offered on how to further your academic study. ; W% T+ ]/ B- ?) L3 ~
6.   One chapter deals with different aspects of culture in America.
6 e) w6 \9 }' t$ B* b3 Q( p7.   The material chosen for the book is from the real life. / g, r& m9 `' a/ M8 R0 V. ?
  # Q- P5 s6 l1 d" C1 x9 z
* u/ J4 [" |! G! r: iThis classic cross-culture book provides reading passages, culture notes, and discussion topics which focus on values, behavior, attitudes and communication styles. It features a chapter on cultural diversity in the US; an explanation of mainstream US values with examples which reveal some of the more hidden aspects of culture; examples of cross-cultural differences in a wide variety of cultures; and extensive readings and exercises.
. i& o- C& F+ y, l& T  
, k2 G* Z& Q/ U' fB.
/ z3 w9 q0 ^( `/ gAs a multi-stand course---organized according to functions, discussion techniques and communication concepts--- this text develops the speaking skills of business professionals or business students. It is easily adaptable to differing class sizes, student needs and interests. A special feature of the course is its carefully staged discussion activities which structure and facilitate group participation.
. ?2 j, o  l. r* e  
$ t, i4 G  ^, u  }9 u4 b. H% y4 @C. $ T: d* v: F5 H  A
This series is intended for students now ready to approach English literature. Each book deals with both the literary and the language aspects of their texts. Some exercises focus on a personal response, others on discussing literary qualities such as style, character, imagery and ideas. Other exercises concentrate on the development of language awareness in terms of grammar, vocabulary and different styles of writing.
3 O% q% Q, p& _6 V( [% N5 a2 \" F  
' }8 i5 h' ^1 J4 G2 w6 vD.
4 n# q; b2 _" |. BAuthentic texts covering a wide range of topics provide a stimulating basis for a skills and strategies approach to academic reading. Techniques of skimming and scanning, identifying main ideas, understanding text organization and guessing unknown vocabulary provide the basis for each unit. These are followed by more advanced strategies, such as analyzing a writer’s use of time, evaluating a writer’s attitude and assessing the degree of certainty in arguments. Each unit ends with discussion topics which lead to a writing task based on the reading texts.

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