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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读指导篇十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一项全球舆论调查显示,过去五年中,世界上很多地方的反美情绪都出现了增长,不过,人们对美国霸权最强有力的挑战者--中国的态度也出现了恶化。 Anti-US sentiment has grown in many parts of the world over the past five years but attitudes towards China, the strongest challenger to US hegemony, have also worsened, according to a survey of global public opinion./ U& D- {3 `" U6 S+ K
2 e) h( D4 W& q" E0 Q
自2002年以来一直接受调查的33个国家中,有26个国家对美国的好感度出现了下降,全球大多数地方对美国总统布什(George W.?Bush)的信心已经崩溃。
) x# l7 r# ]1 a0 h* nFavourable opinions of the US have fallen in 26 of 33 countries where people were questioned since 2002 and confidence in President George W.?Bush has collapsed in most parts of the world.! x# I# E; t1 O) v+ F

$ d: e7 [  T! G" S/ G- q但皮尤全球态度项目(Pew Global Attitudes Project)发现,对中国崛起成为与美国抗衡的力量,人们也不太乐观。过去两年,在15个存在可比数据的国家中,有9个国家对中国的好感也出现了下降。
0 \9 `. p% T4 o1 K& t/ EBut the Pew Global Attitudes Project found little enthusiasm for the rise of China as a counterweight to the US, with favourable opinions of the country having fallen over the past two years in nine of the 15 nations where comparable data existed.4 l  t2 o9 L. o0 G
/ I* z- b* d% q0 T9 A
这项针对47国进行的调查发现,在很多国家,多数人认为中国军事实力的日益增强是一件坏事,而许多发达国家的人对中国崛起带来的经济影响越来越感到担忧。2 l1 X- K8 I& V% k0 u8 s
Large majorities in many countries believe that China's growing military power is a bad thing, while the people of many developed countries are increasingly worried about the economic impact of China's rise, the 47-nation survey found.
, W/ Q2 J$ b% d3 b9 F% P2 \/ F
8 e$ _% @( b2 b& }* Y对美国的不赞成态度在中东最为强烈,反映出人们对伊拉克和阿富汗战争以及美国在中东地区外交政策的愤恨。80%以上的土耳其人和巴勒斯坦人对美国持负面看法,这个比例与其它几个穆斯林国家差不多。
. Y  a1 L7 b+ `/ LUnfavourable views of the US were strongest in the Middle East, reflecting resentment about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and US foreign policy in the region. More than 80 per cent of Turks and Palestinians voiced a negative opinion of the US, with similar figures in several other Muslim countries.0 o; a5 K7 y6 x: ]
. D4 R3 z: w8 [6 T
布什昨天宣布,计划任命一位伊斯兰会议组织(Organisation of the Islamic Conference)特使,以改善美国和伊斯兰世界的关系。伊斯兰会议组织由57个国家组成,其中大部分是穆斯林国家。布什在华盛顿伊斯兰中心(Islamic Centre of Washington)演讲时指出:"我们的特使将倾听穆斯林国家代表的声音,向他们学习,并与他们分享美国的看法和价值观。") O* {: r) w) G$ ~
Mr Bush announced plans yesterday to appoint a special envoy to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, a grouping of 57 mostly Muslim nations, in an attempt to improve relations between the US and the Islamic world. "Our special envoy will listen and learn from representatives from Muslim states and will share with them America's views and values," he said in a speech at the Islamic Centre of Washington.% L5 U/ ?* Y+ W5 z" B) b2 U
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皮尤调查发现,支持美国从伊拉克撤军几乎是普遍现象。人们还普遍反对美国和北约(Nato)在阿富汗的行动,以及更广义的美国反恐战争。3 e. i0 B" i2 m: B
The Pew survey found that support for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq was almost universal. There was also widespread opposition to the US and Nato operation in Afghanistan and the broader US war on terror.a

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