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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级新闻阅读(15)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中国的“钢铁公主” . o* w, Z: ^% w0 U& a3 \
  作为中国最富有的女性之一,陈宁宁(Diana Chen)并不是人们印象中典型的钢铁大王。 0 Y6 n3 c/ v5 `% @
  Diana Chen, one of China’s richest women, is not your typical iron industry baron. , x1 R- l( @- H5 s2 d  l* d! c
1 L+ H* u0 y, M( J, N  Ms Chen, 36, is a Western-educated “princeling”, as the children and grandchildren of China’s communist elite are known. Her late grandfather, Lu Dong, was China’s metallurgy minister in the 1960s and 1970s. $ d2 U$ d- s: O; s4 v! r
  今年夏天,陈宁宁对香港上市的中国东方集团(China Oriental Group)发起了敌意收购。此前,她与持有东方集团45%股权的主席韩敬远闹翻。东方集团控制着湖北省一座中等规模的钢铁厂。
. @# K+ s$ Y0 o. q  This summer, Ms Chen launched a hostile takeover for Hong Kong-listed China Oriental Group, which controls a mid-sized steel mill in Hebei province. Her bid came after a falling out with Han Jingyuan, Oriental’s chairman, who controls 45 per cent of the company.
+ k  l1 e1 {4 M3 R* }0 B6 m  在由陈宁宁外祖父等保守派中央计划官员打造出的钢铁产业中,这种举动颇不寻常。但这位中国“钢铁公主”的职业路径就颇不寻常。
& x2 }  R2 ?- O   Such manoeuvres are unusual in an industry forged by conservative central planners such as Ms Chen’s grandfather. But then so is the career path of China’s “iron princess”. 7 p+ x) z7 R2 V2 d' [. S7 [
  上世纪90年代早期,陈宁宁到纽约理工学院(New York Institute of Technology)攻读MBA学位,毕业后回香港与母亲一同创办了嘉鑫钢铁集团有限公司(Pioneer Iron & Steel Group)。她的母亲在大学期间曾学习冶金专业,但此前从未涉足该行业。在此后短短10年时间,嘉鑫钢铁成为中国最大的铁矿石民营进口商。去年,《福布斯》杂志(Forbes)估计,陈宁宁个人财富高达2.16亿美元。 $ L# Q: a' u0 d2 F- i
  In the early 1990s, Ms Chen studied for an MBA degree at the New York Institute of Technology before returning to Hong Kong to start Pioneer Iron & Steel Group with her mother, who had studied metallurgy in university but was not previously involved in the industry. In little more than a decade since, Pioneer has become one of the largest private importers of iron ore into China. Last year Forbes magazine estimated Ms Chen’s wealth at $216m.

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