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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读精选02

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! E# H( _# V8 T9 T0 Q8 ^2 y1 Q! @  亲爱的经济学家:
. r  F, G: W2 s; O  ?# s  Dear Economist,
4 k8 V# C4 E. u  K5 ^$ [6 s  有一个关于古罗马末代君王塔尔坎(Tarquin)的传说。一位老女巫走到塔尔坎面前,提出以高昂的价格卖给他9本预言书。塔尔坎对这一提议不以为然。女巫烧毁了其中的3本书,然后提出以原价卖给他剩下的6本。塔尔坎再次拒绝了。 , U! B& ~# N' o
  There is a legend about the last king of the Romans, Tarquin. An old witch came to Tarquin, and offered to sell him nine books of prophecy at an exorbitant price. Tarquin laughed at the offer. The witch burned three of the books, and then offered to sell him the remaining six for the original price. Tarquin refused again. ( }6 d9 @& o. x  W1 E
0 O/ ]- w  f' Y2 x! Y1 a  The witch burned three more books and offered to sell Tarquin the three books that were left for the original price that she had demanded for nine. This time Tarquin was scared that he might be losing something precious, and bought the remaining three books for the price that the witch asked. What sort of demand curve is that? * A$ s7 G( e6 |; g
  克里斯·麦克马洪(Chris McMahon)通过电子邮件发送 ! m: h( ^& k7 l
  Chris McMahon, by e-mail 外语学习网, C* I/ m  ^7 Y- R: ~! K) _* `
: t: v( A1 l+ u* D5 }1 w  Dear Mr McMahon, / Z$ z# j# D  w
0 n, J4 o3 S" R, ?; f  Forget the demand curve; this is a two-player negotiation over the division of economic surplus. Tarquin was always willing to pay a high price but hoped to get a bargain. The sibyl ("witch" is such an uncouth label) responded with a supply constriction designed to drive up the price. 5 w( f" @$ o; n  I# `
0 ]* i! f6 ?+ B6 A( [' n  Tarquin might have thought that the sibyl had just one rival buyer, and if each buyer wanted only one trilogy, that would be a supply glut. Once there was only one trilogy available for two buyers, Tarquin knew he was in a serious auction and made a pre-emptive offer.
0 ^1 e0 Z+ x) y  还有一种可能性是,女预言家正在解决一个所谓的持久垄断的问题。塔尔坎知道,女预言家可能会以高价向他出售3本书,然后再回头以低价出售另外3本或6本。而通过烧毁6本书,女预言家让自己能够提出一个真正要不要随你的出价。这是一种超前思维,但话说回来,她本来就是在推销预言。
( p, W+ x3 l) S$ L  Another possibility is that the sibyl was dealing with the so- called durable monopoly problem. Tarquin knew that the sibyl might sell him an expensive trilogy, and then come back later with a cut- price offer to buy a second or third. By destroying two trilogies, the sibyl enabled herself to make a credible, take-it-or-leave-it offer. Forward-thinking stuff, but then, she was flogging prophecies.

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