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[BEC中级] 2012年商务英语中级阅读理解冲刺试题(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 M6 G' g# }( V: x7 U* m* D2 C5 E0 P, @% g; a5 z

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:55 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  13 How did Mr. Edwin's accent bring trouble to his work?
: ]5 T# t6 U, ]' a  y# {" n  A He could not get along well with his colleagues.& Q+ ^. o; [8 ^; X5 b% v& n( m3 K
  B He made mistakes at work just because of his accent.8 p% q* W& i, Y2 v
  C His talent and passion for work were ignored.
3 g0 y4 F- o. h9 B6 H  D Both B and C.
: r% N) f+ ^* k$ W  14 What would happen if Mr. Edwin didn't try to get rid of his accent?中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
" z3 k7 A" m$ b- M8 q  A He might make less than $ 51,000 a year at the manufacturing company.
, W# X9 E% S( P# b" m" l  B He could not order successful shipments any more.
6 c! a2 \6 `8 g8 j/ l  C His chances of getting promoted to senior management wouldn't be good.; n6 a; h. _7 P  V+ j1 ~
  D He would push himself too hard in education because he was too sensitive.
; \6 A. N3 p; f- x2 o' I/ u. H  15 How do some Americans think of people with accents?5 q& M$ f: F% @3 [5 X( T% g
  A They think people with accents are not intelligent.3 `. W* u/ H/ k8 y/ h6 {* ?
  B They think people with accents don't deserve to be promoted.0 ]1 L& |2 g+ [% x: u3 c
  C They think people with accents need speech coaches to help them get rid of their accents.( n& w! n- Q! A
  D They think people with accents lack experience in business.& m: k: T0 X, g( G8 ?- A- I3 N! w2 J: f
  16 Why is it hard to lose an accent?6 a5 P% H: K9 \) }$ D- n
  A Because people with accents are stupid.) d5 ?) k# H  _7 j$ w' b4 R
  B Because people have to reset the speech patterns due to different alphabets.
/ V3 }' A) ~. l( T. G- ~* B7 S  C Because hiring a speech coach is too expensive, and people cannot afford.
+ l7 O0 P# g: E6 r9 e  D Because people with accents have different culture backgrounds which may not be overcome easily.& q) u! H; N, e2 o/ J! A8 U
  17 What resulted from Mr. Edwin's efforts?
2 X7 K' V, [4 }  A He improved a lot in his career.7 Q* X6 f" Y4 e8 `4 O/ \( T
  B He became more self-confident./ Y$ e& J$ h1 ~" [8 C
  C He got promoted very quickly.2 j5 D( b! X/ T
  D He is going to support other colleagues with the same problem.
, z. v2 _( a. M! J; M. V" p$ i  15 Why did Mr. Layton call it a "win-win" situation?
0 U( P+ o" N5 a. Z5 B  A The situation proved to be beneficial to both Mr. Edwin and the employer.
0 d% q0 P7 k, ~# \8 R' Q  B The situation proved to be beneficial to Mr. Edwin, who with his talent and passion, would have better chances for career development.+ r# M7 J0 N2 u% Z! x8 b- R3 F
  C The situation proved to be beneficial to the employer who would sponsor a second employer.5 q' X& N6 J( K' A% w
  D The situation proved to be beneficial to both the manufacturing company and speech coaches.
* ]* J, \9 Y3 a7 \. o) {$ ~  答案:13D  14C  15A  16B  17B  18A
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