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[BEC中级] BEC商务英语中级作文训练

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 x) W9 W( y. I  PART ONE+ E; ]) n" W1 _% O/ S
  You are the Managing Director of a company whose profits have recently' Z6 j3 ]5 m8 `9 W
  increased and you would like to reward staff for this.* Z' w3 ?( H9 p  Q! k
  Write a memo to all staff:
3 {+ g9 l* {. k  • thanking them for their contribution2 |1 O: X" k0 e. w# k+ n3 I) ^, Y1 p
  • explaining why profits increased* x  S! J  V. p+ U
  • telling them what their reward will be.
3 X& a1 L# K, J  Write 40-50 words." p! R5 u; U" F- w5 T1 a
& e3 d, K" y$ X8 x5 _
5 x5 Z- }& d( ?% p+ J( b* V  T0: All Staff
- J1 e4 T) u8 D/ e8 g  From:
" u& s. M6 W9 r3 A7 I- t  Date: 7 December 2002
/ l  q$ c- r/ u) e1 R/ i  Subject: Staff Reward
. y3 a3 L5 {* h+ t7 W: d
9 W0 |6 T! h& U! ?: @  _____________________________________________________5 N2 y5 g+ C* A. h7 m, k5 i
( U3 V; ~4 V2 S4 i+ l
  _____________________________________________________7 A3 t% a( A; l, \8 K2 J; D

5 ?" }4 _1 R0 U5 h, H; U4 e1 X3 I  _____________________________________________________
/ c. G& K( I# H) B' b
5 N  n. T" g' L) t" W  _____________________________________________________
4 P% W5 L% P! K( e9 Y6 T7 Z! U6 W. g! G1 ~6 \- r8 z2 k0 F& _
  _____________________________________________________9 T$ s9 c2 o  `/ {0 Q1 X- Q
2 X) h/ P& l: h+ P
1 l: o1 R- ~- T* c3 N! Z! y8 @" P* I8 q- {7 A  Z" F, t8 ]
  Sample A
: q5 g2 \" E$ S' c( P  To: All Staff
! {4 K' s, j7 p2 E9 I  From: Managing Director
! h3 J; |2 H7 \  t  Date: 7 December
+ `* ?. Q( o& k* \$ |: ~4 `  Subject: Staff reward( R  G+ ~& F7 @, z# c) e# x
  I would like to thank you for the contribution in increasing the company’s profit. The profit increased due to very hard work and long   working hours. Each of the staff will receive an envelope with a reward on Tuesday. The reward is a trip to Hawaii, and I hope that this will be the perfect reward. Enjoy!# ~" e! [; C% N3 S2 L
Thank you
! S9 }2 t/ _$ [) {2 s" l* |
0 \9 L  B) h4 D8 T2 ]0 G  Band 4
  ^" |& `  n8 [: @- R) c6 l& G  All points are adequately covered and developed. There is an adequate range of language, though with some repetition.
. }; [- t' M9 y9 n# |7 K& O( E- p& s' {7 ^7 u
  Sample B: c. V* |% W6 E
  To: All Staff8 r  L0 S  B0 W. W+ L) D3 ~
  From: Paul Blake
+ \4 {2 i9 j9 X1 O  I  Date: 7 December 2002
) G& O0 S" s% q5 J  Subject: Staff reward
  j4 I; [! S0 i3 m% g. O  I am very pleased to tell everybody that our company was make a great profit in this year.0 F* ^& l9 i3 j4 [* b( W
  Thank a lot everybody’s contribution for the company. Due to work hard, the management decided that every body would get the opportunity to add the salary and paid holiday.! D7 L8 L( C6 O) Q

) L5 c- y8 z# N; x  Band 2
% O: z# [. N& [  All the content points are addressed, although poor control of basic structures, e.g. ‘was make’, 'opportunity to add the salary’, obscure the message at times.

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