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[BEC中级] BEC考试写作:海报

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" o& p5 [: ~: Z% l8 U" rPOSTER
5 }8 w9 Y7 n- t* |8 u- K$ {8 t% _5 C% ~
4 x" d2 {/ G7 f' C( _3 x9 ~! F2 _
  海报是贴在人来人往的地方,告知广大群众大多是喜闻乐见的消息,如电影消息、球讯、商品报道等等,其性质类似广告,有的还配以绘画以增加吸引力。& F% _* \  v" p, c" `
* e' f; [( C) P5 C# a: b& n! a/ X
有关球赛的海报- ]5 b( \8 Y$ |3 d, u
' P3 x: `+ L7 P" n  k1 GFootball Match* v3 W3 }0 Y$ `& D* r
All Are Warmly Welcome
% E1 l+ G) Q6 `$ u$ ^4 x6 v
: }8 c+ y* F. Y/ j5 H; v  Under the auspices of the Student Union of our university, a friendly football match will be held between our team and the team of Chemical Engineering College on our football field on Saturday, May. 27th, 2000 at 5:00 p. m.: g) a3 p; A& c  _4 ~- T4 R5 d
                     The Student Union
& F, w0 ?3 L$ w) L- [9 A% T. b& k. \; r                        Thursday, May. 25.! W) _  _& N: x
) G9 X7 X9 [  X+ \% i: |
: `) N& b; S/ q+ k1 [足球赛
/ B1 k) ^/ i1 o- f/ b7 a
2 ^* K$ z3 {4 k由本校学生会主办的足球友谊赛将于2000年5月27日(星期六)下午5时在足球场举行,参赛队为我校队与化工学院校队。欢迎届时观战。
; u7 c  H/ l$ e2 n/ I- \# Z
0 ]% ^3 t" g+ M; F8 J: [                        校学生会
+ x' o/ Z% ?: k6 S  E4 @& s                   5月25日(星期四) ; V2 V0 ^/ n$ I" E3 m4 n8 n7 u

1 s+ d1 H2 Y  j: m
+ {) a' m8 j$ I% q: C商品大拍卖海报
+ n8 [- o+ D2 F/ LGOOD NEWS* ~" }9 i. \1 O# M
Summer Clearance Sales9 Z9 d6 P9 l" P) P2 Y8 }
4 S9 N9 I- n7 n, A( O3 H1 r+ e
  All the goods on show are sold at twenty percent discount. Please examine and choose them carefully before you pay. There will be no replacement or refunding. You have been warned in advance. You are welcome to make your choice.
( |" r# p9 F2 f/ l3 X! A
4 v0 M/ t7 G& Z9 \' W                      Personal Shopping Service% D/ ~' I7 m6 y' C# p6 w

* @5 ]- k6 h2 C# i4 ?3 A: S好消息6 Y' b' V8 h- l" \! h
+ H# z1 f( x  ]7 w* |; T2 o6 V# M& V7 Y1 O# V/ R7 g
  本店陈列商品一律八折出售。请顾客们仔细看货,认真挑选。商品付款出门后不退不换,特此预先声明。如蒙惠顾,无比欢迎。, D3 [$ V: j8 u# Z7 I3 `
  Q2 {% W7 p8 F

, m5 b4 }( n+ ~5 x0 A9 J. z                   贝金森购物服务中心

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