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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(28)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEC中级词汇精选(28)/ T8 f- m& T* A1 G$ K+ A' x
caption! e$ i/ J/ d! Z" M3 \
  ]  }$ X0 R8 Y8 B* j' |
n. (照片或图片下的)简短说明# ?1 G, _6 j! W- o  o5 j- ~5 ~5 U
vt. 加上标题,加上说明
- b/ r9 a1 u8 s+ r  d4 V4 y0 y短语
" C) Q; |8 h6 jcaption of account 会计科目,账户名称
2 T1 W3 [' B  p' A$ n' Q2 _$ qcapital
) K4 ?- M2 }0 {3 \3 a/ a! a3 K $ G( f: L# o; s+ H
n. 资本,资金
1 a$ m3 M5 V$ M* W5 W* }  Z( s短语- n  _2 X, K9 \  C: I3 v
big capital 垄断资本;大企业
% L1 {7 e7 p  ncommercial capital 商业资本,商品经营资本5 G) ~% m8 l+ L+ G) e) k
credit capital 信贷资本
$ h3 M0 D  c/ R$ wcapital market 资本市场(涉及长期投资,来源包括私人投资者、银行、保险公司等)
, h# ~5 U5 \5 j  V: Xcapital account 资本账目(记录用于购置土地、建筑物、机器等的开支)
0 Q" l: s. J4 Y$ b4 {$ Z1 jmake capital out of 捞取……资本0 I: V  t: t7 ?0 Z

5 L" g9 @& h1 D( gThe company has grown rapidly but needs more capital to obtain further growth.4 L1 G8 f# D" |
公司发展迅速,不过需要更多的资金才能进一步发展。  D/ q1 }' V# z3 T& I- m$ u7 k- ~% N
The government is eager to attract foreign capital., N2 l5 V8 F6 A3 v" ?
政府正急于吸引外资。% W! Q6 c: a; u' S: ?  V& k
9 i4 X. U/ ?% a& M1 {
- V& P' I- q: k% u1 U2 Q+ @0 V/ Pv. 获得,赢得  b+ z) K$ S7 J; R
- Y  E# G" J* t: q
The police have not captured the thief yet.0 `/ a# ^9 ^( f$ a
警方尚未将该盗贼抓获。: t: Z7 f( R$ y; d( g* q5 c
This advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere./ A4 K, }2 y1 S  d* X
这个广告将可引起各处读者的注意。& ?7 Q8 }9 |" E
cash " ]% Z$ k* a, I; y6 f. |! P

+ e- o1 x  ?$ F- P  Hn. 现金,现付款
1 N( D" N/ @1 r/ O8 J- I. a' [v. 兑现5 I6 M' w! g7 H
5 p- P" Z6 O/ h, E0 M8 d" @in cash 有现钱,用现款付的( J& \* y# F% ]9 ~4 K
cash on arrival 货到付现,货到付款) _% V) V1 F' p  ?) M) J$ O% J
cash flow 现金流量
4 P  Y7 p' w& ^* H5 q2 ncash a cheque 兑付支票: S) c+ w  K) Q1 I+ \4 F
cash in 兑成现金
' @' @+ F" b7 A7 p  H# Dcash up (店铺)计算每日收取的金额
: ~  B4 ?' t0 s7 I$ B
4 O0 \) K4 L/ A8 B6 ZThe company is short of cash at the moment., `% m/ U3 z! X! |
眼下公司缺少现钱。; _4 i$ _8 R* F
The shop has a cash flow of $30,000 a month.# p' x" X0 \4 c3 P
这家商店的流动现金为每月三万美元。4 g5 U$ `+ u4 k8 p% `2 K
Excuse me, but I've no cash on me. Can I pay by cheque?
3 o$ I# X6 m! f7 k. \对不起,我身边没带现钱,能不能用支票支付?
1 x/ c2 C  y  pI've decided to cash in my share certificates, as they don't bring me much money.
7 }) a* @7 O& f4 \& x$ ]2 Y. f我的股票赚不了钱,我已决定把它们兑现。2 c+ H; O( i) c2 R/ V! i; ^% G; @# j
相关: A4 C- q# [; x7 [
cash card 自动提款卡(由银行发给存户,可用以从自动提款机提款)
/ }' N4 O6 t, N6 i' t: F) L4 g. jcash point 自动提款机7 G! I2 }# o1 k! {; R  |
cash crop 商品作物,经济作物(为供出售而种植)
. L! t2 O; z7 e1 Gcash price 现金价格(用现金付款的价格)0 M8 C# ~0 S6 ^5 I7 q4 u  K
cash discount 现付折扣(支付现金所获得的折扣), O8 V& o, O- [7 z
& V2 c; z% z0 L9 L. @0 b+ ?
. B# u- V7 f; v8 X# A4 [n. 目录,产品目录5 O6 D; Q4 f9 V9 ]$ [# ^3 w
短语$ m: `% G5 J9 s# }- {6 m
an exhibition catalogue 展览目录) ]4 [/ o. g4 S1 @  \) z
list something in a catalogue 将某事物列入目录' L1 C9 L& w4 t

7 A1 p7 J* `7 M9 mAfter studying the catalogue, we decided to order a set of furniture.; v: ^% s! d. ~1 R! x5 v
! V* _7 ~& M/ C$ r- R$ cPlease send for our free catalogue.
2 I, e0 T9 T5 P6 m- r欢迎来函索取免费目录。

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