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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(32)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 R7 ~4 f: O! |' Lcircular8 q5 B& J- X+ p2 D/ ^5 y! T  w/ ~

- `2 U* M2 r+ u- Q6 Y0 T8 Pn. ①通告;通函 ②传阅的小册子(传单等)
  K: f$ M% O, n6 p. p9 w0 [短语
6 O9 c0 _. p; }: H2 Ha circular letter 传阅文件;通知,通函( G6 q9 R4 _6 Y
circular of stock-taking 盘点存货通知
( x3 `$ ^1 V4 e, Z9 ?) ?circular (letter of) credit 流通信用证,巡回信用证,旅行信用证7 s4 R- }+ a0 w) [6 `7 D

( N$ w/ q$ k1 jHave you seen that circular from the new furniture centre?4 Q  Y2 r( Z6 V7 U/ k
( c1 C5 ~3 w, ?, A9 FThe circular was sent to everyone in the company.1 V+ w* w. O9 S+ @, C# P
. C: @1 r2 a5 S+ R: S- f% |circulate# _. c, l: J" j- \5 D

. f2 a0 O8 Y3 M9 @" j2 [4 J# ~v. ①传阅,分送 ②使(货币等)流通,使周转
, j7 |. A5 L1 @5 I短语
: h" r3 r+ Z$ E& I  V0 K# qa circulated cheque 流通支票8 b. \3 l* ?9 `- `  L

9 j: C( \7 ^" w6 ~Please circulate these fliers.
9 p- S' X3 R) t9 S+ k8 J8 O请分送这些传单。
, t/ s2 n( d8 q9 t  Fcirculation
9 K& y1 H4 a7 Z, M- I2 C% c
( k" j0 Y2 ?# On. 流通(指货物、货币等)# K% J; F) l8 Z7 G5 I- T: O
7 `. Z( ~. ]2 R( hcome into circulation 开始流通; X  c, Q4 y6 J5 S
go out of circulation 不再流通6 L9 O/ k. U( v! f9 g: W

9 R# O: u' G- l% hThe old banknotes are being withdrawn from circulation.
: }1 n. b1 ^' v0 L7 o9 N: e5 s旧钞票逐渐被回收,不再流通。
- b2 |+ J, A# zThere aren't many of those old machines in circulation now.4 I" l6 l9 B, c' q7 R9 i: @
8 \8 K9 R6 z8 j% k* Nthe City. H5 p- F; k* Q  c
; H6 J2 n4 F/ }, ^
2 o6 Y' x6 [; m详解6 {! g$ T4 K6 d7 X8 E
- C* @: t% }3 w0 `- `3 ^( M
7 I" T: O. D2 h/ t' UHe works in the City.
: I) F+ v' k% P, v$ W* M/ |他在伦敦城工作。" `8 v3 i/ _( d% e- n7 s0 {
Reports from the City show a general fall in share prices.
( ^  O9 K' D+ d来自伦敦城的报告显示,股价普遍下跌。
5 W- R* ?6 x5 o3 l( i  [" Wclaim% ^) K0 E% R. W8 c3 T6 W# H/ E

1 c7 ?/ K; t5 i7 u( Z" ~) {: z7 b, qv. n. ①索赔 ②要求(权利)( r* \0 Y/ c! ~9 ?
短语! ]* U0 \4 [1 G) I/ }
counter claim 反索赔,反诉
+ `; e. u# A+ p; k2 C( ifreight claim 货物赔偿的要求
& A: S) z8 D3 ?0 k& ?3 cmake a claim for damages 要求赔偿损害
2 Z* i1 g1 C) p' madmit a claim 同意赔款) N1 O; `$ X* t1 x  @' P
have a claim on 有对……的要求权8 g/ S9 g' e% \  d
1 c6 _: m% D* S7 T; e
Did you claim on the insurance after your house fire?
) ~! |# q. b$ `/ Y' t! x你家失火后你要求保险公司赔偿了吗?$ _4 M6 F9 ?" L, ^" ~/ g
The oil-rig workers are claiming a 12% pay rise.
. R/ v( ?$ @4 A2 @0 H7 A石油钻井工人要求增加12%的工资。6 f  V1 }8 ?; C. k
The made a claim for higher pay.
! S3 f# s( K; @: \# ?他们提出更高报酬的要求。
- o2 @4 O% ]/ t8 ~The trade union put in a claim for a shorter working week.
( f, Y: M% F0 j! S工会提出缩短每周工作时间的要求。

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