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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(37)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 s- g' r% y; Y  r9 o; i8 Gconflict6 {: D5 t, d. D' ]4 C

3 n5 H8 z0 x( {2 L6 ~v./n. 冲突,争论, I& V8 k; E5 t' Z2 j% v
短语  t4 R! O  N+ ~) [
come into conflict with 和……冲突3 ~! `+ a& z/ A7 {, ^: T
in conflict with 同……相冲突
! [) q: p3 ?( r. Z9 h( O# mcommodity conflict 商品争夺9 L& s  P0 m" p/ J2 S; {) g
/ m* i+ u* q0 z2 `& `/ _
All these actions by the company conflicted with the universally accepted business rules.5 }! h. ~" R3 }% g& k) g) g' g
公司的这些行动都与公认的商业规矩相抵触。3 q8 M$ p" [* {6 R* W! |- }& S. T
. ^' b1 F7 n7 z
2 n( ~$ U0 ?: C# W3 G( N- Xn. ①联合企业,集团公司 ②跨行业公司
& e( l; d8 H6 D$ I) |0 |- M短语" u# R1 r0 V! @: m' L4 E1 X# l
a mining conglomerate 矿业集团3 ?* K& l! o* {9 P* \
a construction conglomerate 建筑集团1 B; y* D3 m' R4 `+ Z3 U, C' T

4 x  I! `" a6 `( I0 vOne of the oldest breweries has now joined an international conglomerate of drinks manufacturers./ T1 `0 D$ S' J" ?  V0 i8 a" B( y
一家历史最悠久的酿造厂已加入国际性饮料制造商集团。5 p' v# h) ~1 z& E6 d
consolidate! s: k: G. d0 Q* @- _! {6 J' y& O
% E  t; [3 x: R6 i1 S- M
v. ①巩固,加强 ②账目合并 ③统一
- @0 y- c8 f( p3 b短语
! m8 J/ }9 J  J0 a# u3 I* fconsolidate at every step 步步为营3 f' |6 p3 T. O; q5 t
consolidated accounts 合并账目6 I! t. o* v9 }1 Y9 S1 Z6 D
consolidated stock 统一公债
0 x# O$ d, E# C$ n& r+ `. _
- y- @" L0 R! H2 WThe country is now consolidating its position as a leading producer of textiles.
- `/ c$ F0 k% k8 q) ^  d- _/ b! f该国正继续巩固纺织品出口的领导地位。
3 o3 `3 U( g& U# J* W5 WThe two banks will consolidate in July next year.
" a% b5 m" q! m这两家银行明年7月将合并。
/ q5 M4 @7 A" e+ H+ a+ p" Q5 x. gSeveral small businesses are planning to consolidate to form a large powerful company.7 `. S, E8 R# j1 t& l" o
: C4 z8 t3 _* V9 A! zWe need to study the consolidated accounts to understand this group.
3 t" c* y/ t3 {, L我们需要研究合并账目才能了解整个集团。
0 C, I+ l; k! m$ ?5 F, S, _8 Yconsortium
9 S, j: \. K# c% w ! ^  P2 P% N7 p; k
n. ①财团 ②银团
) C8 o4 H" m3 G+ U% s% a短语( Q" J# J& P5 G1 V" h& T$ E3 g& U
banking consortium 银行(财)团
4 y3 ]$ l0 g6 z/ nconsortium of underwriters 证券承受财团
2 V2 o8 x1 b; Lthe Channel Tunnel consortium 英吉利海峡隧道财团/ O/ a6 m* r5 }5 g" X
" E$ M3 l3 y9 i/ k
The contract was awarded to a consortium of construction and electrical generator companies.0 z) U. R  `+ n( \. V
合同给了一个由建筑和发电机公司组成的财团。1 e0 w5 {& z( @; h; G
constant9 ]' E( I* A, C0 H$ t
' b) P8 U3 `$ A+ B7 x: Q& Q  ~) n/ z
adj. ①恒定的 ②不断的,经常的
0 ^) |! n2 T5 M' H短语
4 c( m# r1 g. l6 R7 F3 [4 |+ xa constant companion 忠实的伙伴

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