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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(35)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEC中级词汇精选(35)* a2 s3 N/ A/ {2 }/ v" B, `8 Q
compensate3 S, z3 R+ [3 D6 U

$ p: I% s, S' d2 Yv. 补偿。酬报
% S  n& u6 ?3 L. w, p2 z9 }1 ?短语
; g7 v& ]7 I% g9 [5 l1 `0 W; z+ ?compensate somebody for loss 赔偿某人损失6 |7 E# h. V! _7 \/ h
$ F" o( ~( \& W! u
Management compensated us for the time we worked.% u" _3 Y) p6 G- w) b' s- J
, z. j4 T$ b7 L/ G5 G, |The company compensates her for extra work.
! u6 F* e* i; ~- g) D9 O公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。
& V) T9 |3 g# t0 `compensation
& E) B3 d% {9 F1 g  z, ` 8 W, a. ^/ P" O; X
n. ①补偿,赔偿 ②酬金
- I' N  {7 z6 f* _; ?  s短语
5 k3 X- ?; u' S1 z& T5 oin compensation for 以……为报酬/赔偿! y0 b' A8 L. K
make compensation for 补偿/赔偿……
/ g1 K# q% f! Z+ G$ z7 d  rcompensation trade 补偿贸易) ]6 w; |) }0 n" u( y
make compensation for somebody's losses 补偿某人的损失$ t. S" y8 G* l# ?% P/ M

1 ^0 k; R" a6 c/ MEqual compensation should be given to men and women for equal work.' U9 p4 O5 j" t6 H8 ~7 T
( Z! o; a7 M. {" Y' G$ W) n) eThe airline passenger demanded compensation for the loss of all her luggage.
+ y7 m+ P4 B& U3 P) q该飞机乘客要求赔偿她所丢失的全部行李。+ r: i* L( Q6 Z, u
She was given $3,000- in compensation.
8 J" V. w" c6 w她获得3,00美元的赔偿金。
+ [, r* J) D5 @3 @compete
. u) E/ n! ~# N6 t- H
6 D, F* `' N5 Cv. 比赛,竞争6 L4 I9 q9 {. C
5 z1 A) I- I* d% p3 `: Wcompete with/against sb. for sth. 与某人竞争而获得某物
* X5 |' Y4 \; r. v8 O" r' d+ K: l& K* m, j! {9 [1 w1 M0 ?
Japan competed with other countries for world market.* h! Y2 j6 j( c' D: o7 u
1 C$ }6 c& M/ f) b! H! `  Pcompetition% y$ J# Q+ b! j7 S* x/ L; V
7 m. P$ h6 v2 i" Q/ Y7 ~5 E
n. 比赛,竞争( ~0 n# @% s- Q0 \0 J3 y2 ?
短语# y3 R7 i# M% m+ Y
keep trade competition between 在……之间保持剧烈的贸易竞争
# I2 M6 v. E# afair competition 公平竞争, C4 Q" Q9 R; U( K7 |' _
horizontal competition 同业竞争
' _0 D* V1 O& }& Y2 f1 M+ p  W6 L, \1 T) _
The competition has cornered the market.: d9 Z8 _" M/ X! Q9 S, V
竞争对手已垄断了市场。( D* G8 W8 g; N. j
+ L3 m1 ]3 a4 F9 q- P
4 |7 k( b  d- @  in. 竞争者,对手
# y' C) B* \; A2 E' i( U: S" y. I( h8 Q( M: R
Competitors in the book trade did their best to undercut each other's prices.' p& L+ V  G& v  e6 v
图书市场的竞争者们竞相压价。9 i. p6 y  c* b# V* X
This firm is one of our biggest competitors.
& z3 d# R. W8 y* B3 ]这家商行是我们最强的竞争对手之一。

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