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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(35)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% w% r. K6 i  I: O, D* A0 Ccompensate
! k; a3 y- b6 v  \& x( v+ D. @- D. d $ W/ j" P( x! `; O1 N! \
v. 补偿。酬报
7 l0 ?) G3 {& [5 D; C短语/ l) ^) j- I$ I# d9 k/ D6 [
compensate somebody for loss 赔偿某人损失6 L3 f4 D, n9 n6 R% Z
$ z* x0 o* s2 Z
Management compensated us for the time we worked.
. g/ f! M2 I& s6 F6 Z资方补偿我们工作时间的报酬。
: F' d- P# A  ~The company compensates her for extra work.
. w3 q* a/ O5 o. E7 J8 q公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。
/ M4 ]4 j* S( t( F+ i1 hcompensation
! C) P- z% w" T% \' ^" G% U + `) |( [* n- Z$ Y. v
n. ①补偿,赔偿 ②酬金
! E( K) [, n* a; f短语
* W* V3 H$ M8 _" Q  [5 f" T" J/ jin compensation for 以……为报酬/赔偿
- p: m& H: L/ omake compensation for 补偿/赔偿……
6 z7 V. t7 V: ncompensation trade 补偿贸易0 G8 o& r9 m' }) ?9 u& c8 G  ]- A
make compensation for somebody's losses 补偿某人的损失* v5 ]: V5 V5 y# O, J

4 v, P4 @, N2 V, mEqual compensation should be given to men and women for equal work.7 y9 n2 `0 T* M" ]; d
男女应同工同酬。' O" r6 d2 {1 T; @  |& V" V/ P
The airline passenger demanded compensation for the loss of all her luggage.! R& {6 F" v+ q0 C3 z+ N
' E; \+ X8 O2 K: LShe was given $3,000- in compensation.' y  M* H3 d9 O& |. `1 y6 g: E
( G, y9 i$ V: Z$ {( Jcompete2 @: l# g( v/ r7 L+ f9 o/ c2 k

8 m2 ~9 J( P5 J( o! {' d2 Y, Lv. 比赛,竞争
7 O: d# O& X% j) Z& L短语
3 M1 {: K$ x- h' B9 u; M' ocompete with/against sb. for sth. 与某人竞争而获得某物
9 c- k) i9 k; b9 u
, |; N* ]6 H5 m- Y7 NJapan competed with other countries for world market.
# X- N5 x/ h7 x! _+ H; J3 h日本与其他国家竞争国际市场。, V9 @4 W6 X3 y4 s$ Z7 V
competition/ A& l$ Z' W2 M, J# h
& }3 ~; m% t* C3 H7 Z
n. 比赛,竞争
: f+ k8 Y, _+ x; H. U; g2 r短语8 U. h$ `0 d/ q2 K7 e0 Q
keep trade competition between 在……之间保持剧烈的贸易竞争( |% c8 l1 U! g1 Z; n4 c0 ^
fair competition 公平竞争6 S( F$ H8 W6 M$ Z. [
horizontal competition 同业竞争
7 K* G) ]& A+ g! `
4 |1 _- C  w8 t8 u8 e% AThe competition has cornered the market.
/ {2 e3 |, _' N竞争对手已垄断了市场。8 Y4 i" \( ?- w: j) Y0 P0 K$ r
, z2 f5 N, X6 w$ N
$ s& Q4 B! |5 B/ S* ~* ln. 竞争者,对手
% z0 J; N0 k6 Z# B: R; m' H3 Z( w2 l6 U) q+ T8 G
Competitors in the book trade did their best to undercut each other's prices.
4 K# {0 S' s. C8 p+ m6 Z, h图书市场的竞争者们竞相压价。
0 }$ a- r2 l! N' k! H9 MThis firm is one of our biggest competitors.
) @, E4 b+ A2 T) U8 o- }这家商行是我们最强的竞争对手之一。

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