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[BEC中级] 商务英语中级词汇精选(41)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ r2 i5 F, |! \credit' t( V6 c, n( ?/ [: P; F  J' f

5 n# c( R5 i: S$ qn. ①赊购,赊购制度 ②信任,信用
/ F" w; Q$ Z$ H* B0 R短语
; p  ?1 G7 n  D2 \' @0 q! Bcredit card 信用卡
/ l( u* e2 b3 `1 Q9 k) ncredit sales 赊购
8 c( D% I& n, ucredit note 信用票据;贷项凭单(公司向退还货物的客户发出的贷记凭证,可用于购买该公司的货物)
' V8 A& H$ f$ j/ N7 Q) dletter of credit 信用证
8 W3 P3 F( M' [. _4 g
$ U! R# `4 f& fPlease pay attention-an automatic 30-day credit on all orders.
6 p; ^1 ~& Z7 N! t' u8 x9 h2 \请注意——所有的定单都有30天的缴款延缓期。
* c" F/ X- S) o% hI'm sorry but we don't accept credit, please pay now in cash.* i' X9 e( d' G" t, x$ A
非常抱歉,我们概不赊欠,请付现金。$ |7 t6 L: u9 `, H8 V( H
creditor* e" b' w$ S/ @/ w+ L, b

0 o2 h3 A* [8 J7 m0 g( J: d' @n. 债权人,贷方- e1 h7 S6 M8 A( {8 a
短语' b: r6 D2 ?( S
unsecured creditor 无担保债权人
7 N1 O! O0 o9 K" `9 ^- s" n! \creditor nation 债权国: h$ N+ G/ e* T3 }. {& N
secure a creditor 为信贷作保
) s1 H7 R; {$ k! w  u8 F2 L. _; l& U8 x. V# K- m; l! p2 j
Creditors have better memories than debtors.
0 s/ m8 c6 I) `( x% B【谚】债主的记性比债户强。
# W4 V8 b* }. y7 x5 R! w% \: }His main creditor is demanding payment.' [# g6 f& j5 ]! c) {
5 b# ~% y/ M) X' S/ fThe company has gone bankrupt and can't pay its creditors.
% g. K2 R( p: Z7 Z) P9 r/ H公司已破产,无法偿还债务。6 i! `1 P8 x8 ~5 f  {5 J7 |0 f: m
creditworthiness- m# }# J  ^" o: v8 B) ?; S# {
2 t7 \( t, g1 h$ z5 h
n. 信贷价值,信贷信用& U3 r+ i( m/ g' G3 i# S! d7 _
crisis& m! ~3 \% B9 x4 k

) m% [3 y/ i. o4 T' t! }' q0 `# X9 tn. ①危机 ②转折点
, {; Z. i2 q8 H短语
' `4 J, u% Z7 u# J! Xan economic crisis 经济危机
  c2 v/ M6 {: N1 Ia financial crisis 金融危机+ k. n" @, _( S$ g0 J0 G
crisis of confidence 信任危机- _3 e# _1 \4 F$ {2 `, h$ {! ?: L# x
cyclical economic crisis 周期性经济危机
- h" W; Z7 j% W9 r; d. R) lmonetary crisis 货币危机
/ Y, U% ^8 V( o& b+ O" @9 B3 O: R1 g' k- T! a
We must bring things to a crisis.! ]6 X0 @# W) p. j. B# |
9 P" E. |+ c" Q6 L0 c# Ucritical
) V7 M0 C* y+ o, l- C4 [. M
: c# B- k0 n4 G* r6 J: Dadj. 关键的
" |& o+ ]/ d- Y* c4 Z# B: n短语" w3 J6 v; ]; P) M4 l+ B% ^% t
critical moment 危机;紧要关头,关键时刻
; L) _8 N# x5 X  c8 F* Aa critical decision 重大的决定8 i( l& Z- Q8 p  R" p+ B, s4 k0 s7 U
critical path analysis 关键途径分析法& J6 y5 }; z( a% T+ ?) ^

+ B/ g" C0 `1 |: D4 k/ oHaving enough fund is the critical element of the plan.7 u7 L1 o1 p8 `$ {7 |, U; ~

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