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[BEC中级] 写作指导:2011年商务英语考试写作讲议第三讲(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  4. 征求意见类" Z& m( l" J5 H  |
& H6 c( b# R! T% Y  You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.
1 Z3 |& _2 U& \3 x  Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:3 L+ B' g- j" g' \! Q, q
   informing them of the postponing and giving the reason
4 M+ x. G. k0 Z4 ~. S5 C   stating a new date and time for the meeting5 F/ d5 d8 D( P3 x4 `. K# T( f
   requesting suggestions for the agenda.
& K/ L8 T$ ^$ m   Write on your Answer Sheet.
4 A8 {: E9 s& o+ _8 _  词汇:postpone; delay
0 r. }$ d; G* I& N+ j2 ~     agenda, schedule, timetable
" _2 F: e6 k/ @2 S$ a6 U  [范文]! p# D* P4 H. m& @% [( Z
  I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. Because several team members will be abroad for another project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.
( o$ C/ [' Y7 h8 W1 P  最后一句话可以替换为:! H- F& I$ T, t
  Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?
4 P, W1 w# b6 f  I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.
, L/ F$ _5 p8 |. o2 {1 e  5. 求助申请类7 |' ^0 P' M/ E* v4 F1 b
( U9 j8 a4 K- q0 O: M  You have lost your calculator, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray.
' |( U- J% i; r0 n; F+ s  Write a memo to her! ?$ ~* C3 P& B6 C$ B5 R
   saying that you need a replacement
/ G5 T5 Z6 ]1 |* j7 w+ y   explaining what happened to the old one
3 _2 W0 o0 T1 F% [2 }" |   asking her to approve the request
  c8 \+ q# n0 V8 h+ v  P( l3 n6 \ Write about 40-50 words.
  q9 P& z+ ?5 U2 X  [范文]6 ]! s9 [( \/ @; L
  I am writing to apply for a replacement calculator. I found the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday. As a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request?
# ]) `" h2 q( @% v  [例题]
( O- I4 c/ T- x. P! j  You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills." w2 g+ ~6 U( q6 d
  Write an email to your line manager:! m1 x$ U$ j# C/ }* N  h0 I3 h
   requesting time off work to go to the seminar
$ V& G4 l& [5 F( i* k( D   saying when the seminar is
% V* `; p: j: t   explaining why you want to go
8 t! b  o; M; M" ?  Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.
8 b; T- D6 ^' T$ T  词汇:line and staff management, line manager, staff manager
( l% Q# b, D8 J* c4 M7 a1 F  句型:May I have your permission to do sth?+ E1 o* b( |- E
  [范文]9 p, S% A& e+ G7 K1 Z4 b' L( z
  To: Nick Johnson
( w3 n, \9 w1 ]1 Q7 r7 R  Subject: Presentation Skills Seminar- S+ K! m! ?+ e- B8 a) X7 V9 u6 ^
  I would like to attend a seminar on 3 April.9 z) n' M* Y$ ~( ]% m
  It is about presentation skills. Since I have to make many presentations to customers, this seminar will be very useful.
9 H! E8 f, ]' f& F7 G4 M  Could you tell me if it’s possible to take time off work to attend this seminar?
; t2 @* I- i% t2 r! P/ B  Thanks- N0 L6 \0 B! k  P! Y
* v# d. _4 O: ?( R6 S8 a  6. 推荐建议类: ^0 i2 H9 N; n" ^# z( U' Y
  [例题]" F: n1 _- X, t& L% d' B8 [
  Your company’s Sales Department has asked you to give a talk next Friday on your most recent project.3 ?1 o, s" X+ f1 K  f
  Write an email to Mrs Jay in the Sales Department:: I3 ]0 b1 p/ A
   agreeing to give the talk and suggesting a time. R7 ?( V, \* y8 m6 p+ s) G6 h
   saying what equipment you will need
, }* ?' |, n% ]! Y1 Z+ R   requesting information about the participants.
5 R- \% `/ V% z  @  Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.; Z$ g. I, M6 e+ v$ C3 q
  句型:I think.....
6 }8 _" Z# w: |: {     Why not......
+ a0 ~9 i7 s# h7 i/ d# k     Shall we......
, E; H2 F6 m) f4 \3 J& }     I suggest.......3 \9 x  f& M" H; u
" B! S9 ?3 T1 W) i  总结suggest用法( {+ x& i  u% y$ F5 i
3 A2 h! S7 l  ^. T0 ^% C  suggest doing sth
, r5 e0 G) Y' w& O# Y/ L9 D' d  suggest eg suggest a holidy
% l; s/ o( v6 x7 u9 o: {  suggest that sb do sth
0 E8 i7 [6 e: |, o, U/ M) ^  recommend
4 z1 v8 S8 t" ?; z3 d3 U$ F  recommend recommend some articles) w5 L  y$ n6 T$ E
  recommend to sb (eg a friend)
. Y* C; U+ w  c+ ^  recommend doing sth (eg putting another board up); B# g# B3 \) Y0 X1 c
  recommend that sb do sth
7 {  L1 y, n$ D  [范文]
3 n5 m8 K+ m  E2 b: |' _. p: K$ P* ?  To: Anna Jay2 [1 ]" j7 G; f2 L- U6 E
  Subject: Talk Next Friday
4 u) j  `$ H: u# H7 N/ p  I would like to give the talk suggested by you and I think 9.30am, after the break, would be the perfect time.
6 ?( E" A6 C" L  Required equipment: - Overhead Project
% m9 L5 t5 M/ t# n9 t  - Flipchart with Pens4 Y# _0 N  H1 a* c
  Please give me some information about the people participating.
4 t5 S. V6 ]" y( v  Renate

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