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[BEC中级] 商务英语写作:常见商务文体写作范例(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I. O. U. three thousand U.S. dollars (U.S. $3000) only, within one year from this date with annual interest at four percent (4%).8 F0 h5 c! G7 l8 I: Q' L
David Smith 2 I/ [  W0 f. j) K% R; y- c
兹借查尔斯·格林先生叁仟美元(U.S. $3000),年息四厘,自即日算起,一年内归还。! g0 M+ L8 I7 k0 G! K
借款人" a( l1 b. g+ n+ G- x; g
戴维·史密斯: G$ V$ S6 E+ `' j1 _: B
6 [4 |5 u2 N3 h, K' CI. O. U.= I owe you 也可写成IOU, 即“我欠你”的意思,- l# a5 j$ S) ]
/ p: Z* }; ]" z' j, b+ a0 `0 C- Q收到物品
: y' t0 z& N# e; \% }June. 8, 2000
; o  D' ]( R/ @+ U" M% [Received from Mr. Handel the following things:
- a: m3 v) B; x, Q" {5 ]6 l3 i6 NOne typewriter
0 W; L! M4 q6 |2 \; V+ [One tape-recorder
9 S9 g/ I# @% D' {) Z4 D                             Bruce
" [/ G$ ~# _- \2000年6月8日* C( h0 X' K0 I5 F2 T$ E4 d
5 J( y, ^, \2 m打字机壹台
$ }4 W) J& ~5 u9 g& ^8 m2 C录音机壹台
: `4 ~4 P7 w+ c; b  y5 \0 Q, k& _                             布鲁斯
, p7 \$ q+ ]1 t例三:订阅单。写订阅单时共分四个部分:1、订阅刊物的名称、起止时间;2、订阅人的姓名;3、订阅人的详细地址;4、附言。 . B! Y: a+ S- K! a" ]" j
SUBSCRIPTION FORM5 d* W. e7 @' h) Y6 E
(Write in Block Letters Please)
8 J( p! |# l4 v" s$ M# d2 ^, fPlease enter my subscription to "The Times" for one year beginning with the January issue of 2000.
, |2 K/ M. B$ o6 D0 K9 Q/ A- hName: Niles Palmer
& T' y7 A3 _  t. s+ aAddress: 421 Swan Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan, the United States of America
! A# G4 z  W  U+ k) ^. ~* bEnclosed please find a postal money order in the amount of 7.60 dollars.
4 |  q( Z2 |0 y" d0 b+ b8 I8 Q/ _, l订阅单) C. Y! q# }7 r8 l5 w. [5 ?. e
(请用印刷体书写)' B8 [" c+ ~5 B( N8 j
订阅《泰晤士报》一年,自2000年1月刊开始。9 k& s) D0 x) |! }

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