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[BEC中级] 商务英语写作:常见商务文体写作范例(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
we propose the following itinerary for your consideration.1 c' b, B3 v$ ?, V9 O5 F& m
Monday, April 18
/ h' L! n( G0 J, g4 b7 g4.00 p.m. Arrive in Beijing by Flt.xx, to be met at the airport by Mr. President 6 ~  h6 K# t; Z' y% `8 I6 V% A
of Asia Trading Co.7 a* o( h- u* s! J& G
4.15 Leave for Great Wall Hotel
& {3 e( V# M! e( l7.30 Dinner given by President x
6 q9 n$ [) J$ t% s8 h) m) I# ETuesday, April 19) R% ^5 r- I0 S0 ?9 I$ ]
9:30 a.m. Discussion at Asia Trading Co. Building
; Y. A) w/ ]+ v2 X2 s7 t$ S2:00 p.m. Group discussion
$ R( F* Y9 v. k# |8:00 p.m. Cocktail reception given by the British Commercial Counselor in Beijing
9 s; O7 _. |5 ?4 I9 g4 uWednesday, April 200 P6 @3 `( Z5 l% \. i8 H  t( ~
9:00 a.m. Discussion
' t  h' G2 z: I6 T12:00 noon Sign the Letter of Intentwww.Examw.com
1 }" S8 N- N5 M: Q6 @1:30 p.m. Peking Duck Dinner' S7 k' K- d. g9 ^6 A8 I
3:30 p.m. visit the Summer palace
( d: T9 X8 i2 G9 W# s6:00 Departure for Shanghai9 n# g* t7 L: V" n* @" U& x) ?' O
Would you please confirm by fax so that we can make arrangements accordingly.
6 m' k, l& s- I6 U8 [; V1 [2 h+ QYours faithfully
$ c% E; Z7 o5 k  C9 n活动安排 8 w( w3 x8 K' p. }$ R6 x+ I
5 X) s, I2 y$ K  我们非常高兴威廉·泰勒总裁和珍姆斯·罗杰斯经理能四月下半月到北京,上海访问一周,根据要求我们出下列活动安排供参考:) P* F+ U" }+ }

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