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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级听力之常见电话用语7

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 i9 B9 a6 o* @' c2 E% K1 tCould we make it tomorrow at nine?明天9点怎么样?   Yes. That would be much better.行,那样也好。
- |8 U  l+ p7 a. S+ L  Fine. Good-bye.好的,再见。0 x0 K- E9 y3 g6 j, J! x
, ]/ H5 T' R9 V1 @5 R' E  Hello, this is Wang Ming. May I speak to Gao Ling, please?喂,我是王明,我可以和高玲通话吗?
% p! S" g( g+ D- p* `- K2 F; P$ J  Oh, Wang Ming, this is she.哦,王明,我就是高玲。
! `9 J% Z2 P& f! T$ b( w  I need to make an appointment with you tonight.我想今晚约你。来自www.Examw.com& P# d/ Q; a, P
  OK. What time is it?好啊。什么时候?5 y( m/ K8 c1 {& v
  Seven o'clock, I'll pick you up at your office.晚7点,我去办公室接你。9 W' |2 ^1 Q6 y: q" L+ d
2 o) H8 H6 n1 c; c5 \  I'd like to make an appointment to discuss a question.我想约个时间讨论个问题。# H' W6 v  [  P. m+ u
  I'd like to meet Miss Kong sometime.我想找个时间跟孔小姐见面。
* ?) `9 R# s8 j. _) _8 p  Dr. Lee's office.李医生诊所。

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