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[BEC初级] 2011初级商务英语阅读指导五

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
总结会议 Concluding a Business Meeting
4 d& r3 A) J6 f+ T  Action公司第三季会议在各部门负责人一一报告,以及与会者热烈讨论之后,即将落幕。会议主持人Jennifer,此时再度上台,为会议做个总结。
: k2 X) [) Z5 F! o. U/ o  英文正文/ _( Y% d  c! w+ [
  That wraps up the last item on the agenda. Before we close, are there any questions?
* V1 e% x- {7 c" J$ y6 H7 t6 m" U* c- }6 P  Fine. In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales. Sam, I'd like you to follow up on that, please. Let's see where this is heading. Jane, thank you for the comprehensive PR status report. I understand there are still a few problems to be worked out, but we all trust in your ability. Ladies and gentlemen, the new design is satisfactory. Let's keep Action ahead of the game.0 p# l, G1 p0 b- R2 _( V
  Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook. This is our first opportunity to promote our products in North America, so we certainly want to cover every detail.
/ I( |0 C, a0 `  Well, then, that covers everything. I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances. Is there a second?- N7 x2 m$ T" g6 t) m
0 h: g# V2 y; E: _  议程上的最后一项讨论完毕。会议结束之前,有任何问题吗?
8 E( i2 t, a$ X* X2 Y. ?) C  很好。总结来说,我想我们都同意,由这一季的国内销售数字,可以看出一个很明显的微波炉销售趋势。Sam,我想请你针对这一项继续统计,再让我们知道这个趋势的走向。Jane,谢谢妳所作的详细公关状况报告,我知道还有一些问题待解决,但我们相信妳能处理。各位,新设计的产品非常令人满意,让我们共同努力,使Action继续领先同行。
; w9 @) G1 g* K  最后,我很感谢各位对加拿大业务前景所发表的意见和建议;这是我们第一次把产品推广到北美洲,所以每一项细节当然都要考虑到。
( T- |# a9 J# ^/ o  呃,这就是所有的事情了。我现在提议结束Action家电的第三季会议。有没有人附议?( L2 L# f7 D1 J* k1 h& w8 o  m5 h
$ t. x1 b  \7 {2 ]# S* e) n  wrap up 完成;结束
6 x$ w! k5 h8 g2 s; S) a- j  这是个口语用法,意同"conclude"、"finish"和"close"。主词可以是人或物。
+ U+ |# F* B' k  `  I'd like to quickly wrap up this meeting, so we can go home.
9 }) X8 R. I  }  我想赶快把这个会议结束,那我们就可以回家。0 c- I% N7 O/ Z; T& S4 O
  marked trend 明显的趋势
* v, e  {2 X' m' R' V' i  "marked"是过去分词当形容词,有‘醒目的、明显的’意思;"trend"是指事物或社会现象变动的趋势。9 L! J. Y. |, A' l8 }4 H) D4 u
  Judging from the graph, you can see a marked trend upward on the Japanese stock exchange.
8 E! P+ [8 u0 m! O( j  依照这张图表,你们可以看出日本股市明显地上涨。* _* U) [" u8 j% P  ^5 e
  follow up on (something) 进一步了解
* z7 X3 B4 A9 I  "follow"原是「跟随」的意思;这个词组是指注意某事发展,并进一步深入地了解它。介系词"on"之后所跟的名词词组即代表需要了解的事。7 L' I4 {1 x0 f# [: ?
  We can take care of that problem when we follow up.
* n$ Y$ l: Z. e8 q( f  等我们更进一步地了解问题后,就容易解决了。- w' {4 d: w4 l$ u' O# _5 ]
  status report 状况报告
/ ?( k/ M8 v& K! K3 O: z  "status"指‘事情的状况’。一般公司都会要求每个计划或部门的负责人在固定的时间,报告事情的最新进展,即"status report"。
" ~* h8 U( r2 U! S. o. m2 G. ]+ d  The accounting department is required to submit weekly status reports to our general manager.
8 O5 S! U: {; ~- X' i; `  会计部必须每周向总经理提出现况报告。% {/ B/ Q. F- w) N) i; L
  work out 解决,完成- ]1 z; l5 |4 S5 [2 W5 Y% I
  这个俚语在此是指‘解决问题’,通常有得到圆满结果之含意。除此之外,它还有‘算出…;锻炼身体’等的解释。& m& l- q* o2 r

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


Things will work out as long as you are patient.
; v% N1 F& w, R4 M2 r( t, u8 Z  只要你有耐心,事情早晚会解决的。5 {9 H2 U+ l$ M8 Q6 V
  ahead of the game 领先9 D% N$ @& v/ \! u. T
; C/ v1 X" d0 Y$ ~( |* I# j  She studies hard every day to stay ahead of the game.
: x1 e- d  H1 X: S7 f; w  她为了要领先其它同学,每天都很用功。4 T  P4 ?5 ^' O5 t
  句型总结5 V9 v7 q$ P1 B0 ]
  ●  讨论结束
, v# T  A9 p$ W; g* u& ]  1. That wraps up the last item on the agenda.
( X8 t+ R; c. F4 t% |  2. That takes care of the last order of business.! C3 w! Z! T7 w. y& N( t! d: e
  3. That concludes the final order of business.! o7 W2 r9 l* E
  主席首先应宣布讨论已经结束,之后再作结语。"wrap up"与"conclude"的意思相同,表示‘结束’。"take care of"在此有‘完成’之意。
8 ]3 \1 n# ^0 {2 `5 ~- {% F  L& @0 N: y  ●  总结重点
) g8 V% T. }4 m% g8 j  1. In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales.
- u( F2 \( i: j$ ~  2. Overall, I think we are in agreement about the third quarter's sales figures that show a marked trend in microwave sales.
! d) I! k- Y/ j( n  3. To repeat, we agree that the microwave sales figures are showing a marked trend.: E  o+ g! ]& I2 m5 \
  宣布讨论结束之后,主持人应总结会议的讨论结果或要点。"I think we agree…"是一个的间接句法,婉转地询问其它人的意见;而"in summary" 、"overall"或"to repeat"是作摘要的实用词汇,通常置于句首。0 Y7 R% `2 x% ~' e) z6 Q
  ●  感谢与会者
5 B6 Z  e; Q  D/ `. I  1. Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.
  S, @) G8 B3 E' J% w  2. And lastly, thank you for your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.- X4 A# l# {5 E' o$ z3 ~
  3. In conclusion, I welcome your comments and suggestions about the sales outlook for Canada.1 u5 f' g+ n% |+ d( ?$ a! X
  做过要点总结后,主席可以感谢与会者的建议和参与。用"finally" 、"lastly"或"in conclusion"来承接上文,亦表示这是谈话的最后一段了。并以"appreciate" ,"thank you"这些字眼表达谢意。' y/ p, {( W# w* e+ {0 N' i2 _* S1 p3 G
  ●  提议散会7 @. N  x! n( X( ?3 u8 B
  1. I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances. Is there a second?( Y$ h- }, R) y6 w1 G
  2. I'd like to make a motion to conclude the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances. Is there a second?9 O* L0 z8 W9 G
  3. I move that we close this quarterly meeting. Do I have a second?7 M, Y6 U# q5 R
  最后主席应提出散会的动议,并要求台下的人附议,若有人附议,即可进行表决,决定散会与否。- x4 n; t! d# d( \9 j# M" G
  结构分析2 V# l7 f' [6 ]! x
  会议主持人的两项主要任务是:一开始介绍会议讨论主题,以及在最后为会议做个总结。前者我们在上一课已经介绍过,这里要告诉你如何为会议做结论;请依照下列四个步骤:& {3 s/ Z) J$ [; ]
  1. 讨论结束
9 k0 t( r6 W! y0 I  宣布最后一项讨论结束,询问与会者有无任何问题。
" t4 F" C& @5 h9 G3 ^* J  ?  2. 总结摘要3 Q% x& B" i8 s  C( z
  摘述会议的要点,并提出总结建议。- v+ ], I* N/ @  D! B# a) I- U3 E
  3. 感谢参与
0 l( E" X5 C4 {5 ?6 B  感谢与会者的参与及意见。
1 B& @2 ~% c/ q2 V  m7 h. M  4. 结束会议0 @1 ^- D4 p& P6 V
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