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[雅思预测] 2010年10月全国雅思口语预测

发表于 2012-8-14 20:26:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 ], u: Q+ b% D' o% i  Part one7 d7 e4 c! n' @4 M

  G' x' U9 b$ v  1. Major/work9 g+ c. o0 }9 C+ s4 c/ }" g

% b4 z. |! x$ s& {3 j1 m4 J8 k  Are you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? How was your first day of university? what is your ideal job? Is it easy to get a job now? explain why.+ j1 D6 r( [' J4 s6 |9 @7 _

+ q' w1 d/ `# C! g3 }$ v  2. Hometown
$ ^8 c1 E) [- l* K$ y2 j% M& G + m9 K$ ^/ S' ~
  Where are you from? What are the most attractive parts in your hometown? Are there any changes happened in your hometown these years? Is your hometown a good place for people to live in? what kind of weather do you love? what is the weather like in your hometown?7 @. ^+ H% V: A% A

4 N1 ?' h7 M! Q! O2 ]  a, Y7 ~% X  3. Flats & Houses & neighbors
3 h) s* I2 @. u
$ Q7 _# W5 Z0 [3 l$ Y: d& \2 x" \% g: W  Where are you living, in a flat or a house? Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? why do people love to hang paintings on the walls of their flats? what is your favorite color? what color do you want to paint your flat? why? how is your relationship with your neighbors?
1 ]$ P0 q* J! B0 M% I8 L 7 p1 R' ~  d) [  S3 v  f: O
  4. flowers & Cooking & Food &fruits
- g4 s6 W& G( b8 H& j' t6 e8 F
* p' Z: t/ w( U1 F' c" _, \  Do you love flowers? do you love planting flowers? when do Chinese usually send or receive flowers? when was the last time you received or sent flowers? what kind of food do you love? what kind of food did you love eating when you were little? if you had a child, what would you feed them with? why? Do you love cooking? explain why.
' N) l  |% C5 O6 u3 r" v5 j* C6 M
% H0 E. t' n/ q# V+ o9 n  5. News/phones/ TV programs/ news
; _9 `3 |  a! r
8 `6 y$ g" K. Y/ ^3 W' O  _' p  Cell phones, E-mails and letters, which ones do you love most? when was the first time you used the cell phone? how often do you usually use E-mails? Do you love news? what kind of news do you love? from where do you usually get news, online, cell phone or newspapers? what kind of TV programs do you love watching? do you love watching foreign TV programs? why?3 q% V2 a( ]3 ^/ `& Y
* ]8 s7 `$ e  A
  6. music& dancing & Natural sound & films &museum# o, @! t# K) j. D
5 _8 c$ q9 f* G7 ^0 d
  do you love watching films/listening to music? what kind of films/music do you love?do you love dancing? what kind of dance do you love? when was the last time you danced? where do you love to watch films, at home or in the cinema?what kind of natural sound do you love to listen to? how do you feel about noise? do you love to go to museum? why. how often do you ususally go to museum?
8 V: a8 I, d9 w" N 4 y+ r. A* Y# N$ c# c! u5 P
  7. Shopping & Travelling & relaxation method & holidays
$ x4 K4 M2 y1 A
  |2 f0 C- }9 b* ^; p* p  Do you love shopping? do you love shopping in big shopping malls? explain why. when was your last time of happy shopping experience? how do you feel about fashion? what kind of clothes do you like to wear? do you love travelling? what is the real meaning of travelling? where do you want to go travelling? where have you been travelled before? how do you usually relax? do you think relaxation is very important? why. with whom do you love to spend your holiday? where and when did you spend your last holiday?
) ?  R3 M3 O3 l7 @; N+ } ! T: _  B2 X# h5 d2 S: E& v
  8. Sports & Swimming in the sea &Transportations & Bicycles & &time & pets
- K$ Q; @6 e* x% l
5 c: R0 Q/ q( R0 \: K9 b  Do you love swimming?What is the most popular sport in China? do you love sea? why. do you want to live by sea? what kinds of sports do women and men like respecitvely?if you had a child, would you love your kid to do sports too? why. What is your favorite sport? what kind of transportation do you love most? do you love to travel by air? how often do you usually travel by air? Do you wear watch? how do you feel when you are late? how do you feel about those guys who are always late? Do you love pets? explain why.Do people in China love pets?
5 Y! y1 G( h+ {2 G% _首页 1 2尾页

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:26:41 | 显示全部楼层


 Part two  3 |# z  ~' O& }# S9 D! M3 e+ \
  A People & Animals$ L0 {# ?( {9 p' I" g8 E

6 g6 x# R9 O1 T  * A host, An artist=A foreign celebrity=A foreigner you want to meet in the future, *A good friend=A family member you lived with; A family but not yours, A great cook, A wild animal, A teacher in your childhood' }5 D& V( N0 z+ b8 F% ]

4 V" R5 y) ]- w5 o  B Objects
0 C" T/ W; }( { # `# Y6 @6 g2 a* H# Q
  *A piece of equipment you have at home (but not computers), A thing you have to save money to buy=A thing you bought with little practical value; An old thing you keep in your family=a piece of clothing someone bought you, * A card=A letter=A text message you have got=An E-mail; A photo, A thing you DIY, A toy in your childhood * A statue or a sculpture
- {( d, Z. ^: x& ~+ k
" y. o& C: y5 g9 ~6 C9 q  a  C Events* c8 n1 K' ]& K8 M/ w: N+ A
$ {( M, J1 P5 s: X
  * an occasion you are late for; One favorite meal=A happy event=An celebration for something ,A thing you friend did that made you admire *An important conversation you had with someone else=A walk you had with your friend=A visit you got; * A public event you attended *A science course you took, A healthy lifestyle=a sport you are good at=one of your hobbies=A picnic you had at a park=A journey you made, A piece of good news that made you happy, A project you did with others, a naughty thing you did when you were little0 ~6 K/ ^/ E+ o$ Z- O
  E  W9 p. a& m
  D places0 [) i; w1 C- D0 a

* x$ B8 K# d+ j' J( ?" h  *A school you used to go to; A store=a restaurant you always go to=A modern building=one of your hometown changes=your favorite part in your hometown; A park=A season you love=A city you have been to=A historical place=A place you have been to that make you learn a lot about the past, A company
6 }$ E1 i5 o+ ~ 0 c/ X! N/ f/ t, [5 F% \2 t
  E Media
( a6 A! N" l9 S  i* K; H. w6 } - }* R: y: g& s+ g6 K8 B! C
  A law in China=A TV program you dislike; A skill you learned from computer, A kind of music you love; A well-known story=*A book you read when you are young; A TV program,A well-known quiz show, A film you love, An advertisement, your ideal job5 U4 }+ L( H( [# n4 V: C: D
4 O7 K! Q, Z) \. M& f0 N6 p8 l
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