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[其他] 2011年03月12日雅思考试口语机经

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8 F8 J+ \  `0 {1 ^" b3 N& X2011.03.12
- q: [$ L4 ^5 pPart 1
0 ]( F) I- _0 X  Y2 ]Your Work or Your Studies" X" j8 C$ Z  l# Z/ Q) T
Do you work or study?
5 g! I( D; s7 |What do you study as a major in school?
$ |, D8 v/ [( k3 hWhat is the development of your major in your country?- m; X  h( o1 q( O. m/ W( h3 l
What do you think the effective ways to learn English?
& j9 d7 M5 R0 ?' aDo you have any science class in school?& [6 I1 L5 H+ ^  C
Who is more important, a teacher or classmates?
6 m# p& B% r: F& dWould you like to change your job?
# W% s" @. e+ I( q" l! F' R" |$ G& ~Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future?
. [+ O2 W0 @/ e/ g5 f7 w7 ^Do you think the first day at work is important?
; a% Q- ?! U. V1 wWhat subjects are you studying?
- ]( k; Z4 m  S2 z* R# WWhy did you choose that subject?
# e8 q" ~* N- l! a. nWhat school (or university) do you go to?: z" ?# u# h" A2 s; D9 V
Why did you choose that university (or, school)?
& T* K- y, O: ^7 c+ [% P* THow do you like your subject?+ Q# c7 v% A, r; b3 f
What's your favorite subject at school?9 ?# Z5 F& S; r8 t0 O: l
What's the most difficult part of your course?
% k: e4 ]  I& ?0 f5 X8 N" TFor you, what's the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course?
; R/ ~% g3 V% P: pYour Home & Your Accommodation' E. d2 e3 [$ T2 w: J# B
Do you live in a house or a flat?5 Y" |' S8 l/ P; k/ S7 M
How long have you lived there?
, `( s& E( b  t5 B1 W: s% [Do you have any outdoor activities in your hometown?7 J, _% [( R( L6 B
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
( g, H; z* O. l) F% Q& l7 WPlease describe your home a little.
- H7 v  Q4 a  w  G4 U* [What are the benefits (or, advantages) of living in a flat/house?
# j* k. J7 L* O3 ]# a5 F2 sWhat's your favourite room in your home? (Why?)' G9 W0 R  p7 r* {1 W/ t
How do you think your home (your house or your flat) could be improved?
& R4 ^$ U$ V. i& T9 }; e5 p7 QWhat is the environment like around your flat/house?: y0 }9 s4 W: E' \' Z3 m# u+ Y- P
Is it easy to travel to and from your home?中 华 考 试 网
6 j$ C6 ?! z' y, Q. E6 ?- P3 U! MHometown% s3 w3 `$ W: q. E: n3 p) l; V
Tell me something about your hometown.
, v" \8 v9 X0 v6 o8 u. RWhat would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown?
' N; X4 a" _$ q3 d% ~2 A# ?& oDo you prefer to live in a big city or in the countryside?) n" _5 o2 z. x& Q" A, a
Would you say it's a good place to grow up?6 \: z2 T3 q! Y* F/ B2 S' a/ ]6 n
Would you say that's a good place to live?
- n/ h" k- z, y2 ~Do you plan to live there/here for a long time?
, U& a" M5 r; J2 o. a" O: u  ZWhat (other) city would you like to live in (in the future)?
4 ^( |: @7 ]7 ~0 u1 UWhat's the traffic situation like in your hometown (or, where you are living now)?/ W' R: }7 ~  ]" u
Communication' l4 Z7 N8 Y6 \/ @. o
Do you like writing to people?4 z" K- V7 s8 y. t# j" r2 S
How often do you write an email or a letter?
! `/ I& W. b' SWho do you write to?1 ]! ]: }2 u( z4 I
Do you often write letters?
; S  C0 y$ Z" a& a+ j* TWhich do you prefer, to write a letter or write an email? (Why? Compare them.)3 C, h' T# X. H% r# F, ?. T
In general, what kind of letter or email do you find to be the most difficult to write?
- p2 O; |% C$ c# {4 I( B  U# LWhen you are writing a letter (or email), how do you usually start it?6 ~( }6 X  [# M
* S( ^4 P: O* Y' xWhat is your lucky number?; o& Y4 n* w. u- X# u" }  q! i
Do numbers have significant meaning to Chinese people?
$ q$ p- y; S- @2 P2 H  E% l% YHow do you usually memorize numbers?( [5 p2 h2 Z7 i2 ^8 _5 Q" l
( \2 F  M6 F, J9 {Do you send flowers?2 u6 p6 ~% ?3 j: A2 s
Do people in your country send flowers?
8 T9 Y1 m+ \3 B! j# f& j9 ^! a4 CWhat are the meanings of sending flowers?
, n- q! c, p: W1 t! p, aWhat is your last gift?
3 u* z7 J7 u0 A7 |' U) x0 N8 hDo you like receiving or giving gift?0 m/ d2 Z# O: H, Z, \* x
Is that easy to buy a gift for others?
1 k# }4 S0 _1 c) S% r. [. G" A! YMaking friends. m! t' M' U1 C
How do you make friends with others?
8 C1 p5 p. f- D/ r+ t! QWhere do young people make friends with others? And how about the old people?8 J8 Q; ^$ _: H/ _
Do people in your city find it easy to make friends with foreigners?9 w# ?/ i& i* V2 I% d. M2 H/ {
. F3 \, ?$ ~3 r9 n7 HWhat's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?
6 K7 d/ S5 P/ c, f: j1 |What changes are there between the different seasons in your country?3 l  [: c) T, J, O
What's your favourite season? (Why?)
; o  a1 q6 j0 @& n- R4 jDo you usually pay attention to the weather forecasts?: o, C6 Y7 f2 N8 R8 B
Does the weather ever affect what you do?: B8 |  Y6 l% B+ p
Do you (or, do people in China) do the same things in the different seasons of the year?3 ^3 a# M  l9 \* e* `
Cooking$ T( P2 F* m0 Z  F$ `1 C
Do you like cooking?
( e# v: S, r$ Y  m$ e7 I& j7 |Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?
1 w9 a+ L/ A* F, n4 X6 f/ o& qWhen did you learn how to cook?7 D# ~' r; A) ~. X
In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less? (Why?)
  k0 E& ?' r4 {7 FClothes and Fashion
+ a( x- v) d- kDo you like shopping for clothes?8 ^; [5 W$ _8 I( M4 Z
Are you very interested in fashion (or, clothes fashions)?3 d$ \2 w6 X5 w! X
Do many people (in China) follow fashion?  e* ^2 \7 n. O  f2 X& r% u  {
6 X& k1 X8 f5 {% lDo you like animals?
# L/ G6 X" }4 I- @/ v$ {$ s( |What's your favourite animal?/ M$ q' `& d+ m3 L8 u& |
Are people in your country fond of animals?5 T4 @9 P% v  p& d
Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?
. I# Q' d/ h: [) c9 aSport
: S) z( q4 e: s- @* R0 d. A4 gDo you like (to play/to do) any sports? + W. C  d) ?3 v* D* t
What sports are most popular with young people today?! g  L2 ?1 i* I
Did you take part in any (organized) sport in school? ; p  D; j( U4 ^  k/ z! O, X
Do you think sport is important?
" j" B; z& A* _, n( L  D4 O  qAre there any sports facilities near where you live?
+ x$ x" u( z+ f/ |In the future, what sports would you like to play?5 m. y1 Q2 {2 u+ d' i, b
Food% O5 \( ?* c- K7 ^- `3 `4 Z6 @
What food did you like to eat when you were a child?
) u) K2 u5 V& r( dDo you still like that food now?
& J/ N7 P) ?$ {) `* j  e9 cDo you think it's good to (often) take children to restaurants?
% z0 U6 s8 }8 S0 r' KCollecting
; D) r* s& X/ x/ V& VDid you collect anything when you were a child?1 P9 |- H/ F5 K5 f7 |7 Q* R
Do you still collect them now?
, U; E" [( `4 Z; D4 T2 M) u' R$ x9 VWhy do you think people like collecting things?
0 T2 x8 [' L" \  V$ DIf you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?
! n; E7 k! ^8 y& RFilms% T" W# W) M& I( w1 m: l
What types of films do you like?: K4 k% L- O5 w5 r3 K. M" t( i/ e. {# |
Do you prefer to watch films at home or in a cinema?
2 s" f) ~3 Z2 l1 IAre there any types of films that you dislike?- n* [% t" d8 P4 {5 F. M& w8 u# C
Do you prefer to watch movies alone or with a group of friends?
. C7 W$ |' z. F1 j7 ~6 QMuseum( k5 z, }% ~! I  {* F- v* D
Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?
- Y! p) q+ G* O; FDo you often visit a museum?
2 D+ _* ^' L6 G* DDid you go to museums when you were younger?: s# D  a0 @" Z) }7 f
When was the last time you visited a museum?4 S2 I* ~6 ~& X: W  p8 N
Do you think museums are important?& T6 L0 c. [2 G4 k4 l7 }# |: H
Do you think museums should sell things to visitors?* s5 r5 X2 {% p( n6 W6 w
& a6 B/ c, ~+ ~; E/ U5 u7 fDo you like dancing?! a) O! K5 M  }
Have you ever learned to dance?
, L# P; i; v  ^6 IWhen was the last time you danced?
2 \7 V' F4 S8 x! J4 G/ ^Do you like to watch dance performances?+ V- r$ O# _- d( x: c. N+ g
Why do you think some people like to dance?
9 Z3 r& I9 I# @Reading1 |5 j% L9 L/ Z9 Q5 P/ b
Do you like reading books?4 @$ _- X9 s, o1 d. ~. U4 v0 ?. I
What kinds of books do you like to read?7 |" b- K+ X; c. Z7 k4 j
When you were young, what books made the greatest impression on you?! L5 U. M- O5 t# c+ f; d
What do you think are the benefits of reading to children?. W& Q* a  A. j% M9 k* t4 K/ e, h( r- J
Would you like to write a book?
) A; }3 T" V( o; j$ WWould you like to receive a book as a gift?
4 g; g# I  X! y; WDaily routine6 W- [8 B8 z* a4 o
What do you do mainly do with your time?+ U1 O" q' s! p: v5 \) N
What is the best part of the day for you? (Why?)
- v5 m! D7 m+ A6 w" m( V! ~9 GWhen do you do most of your study?1 X- V7 [, c8 q
Would you like to change your daily routine?
1 [+ e" |7 }. x% I) h0 J& i* wPlane& E. F0 r4 y6 H# n9 p# l
Have you ever travelled by plane?* Q3 U8 q9 \- ^9 O3 `
How do you feel about travelling by plane?
" d- G" L7 o3 i" u/ o& j3 _% lAre you going to travel by plane in the future?
( P: _* B$ f  o0 G* Y3 }, i& LWhere would you like to go?" m; |5 ?7 I3 M' q! l
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/ z; [' E$ c% b9 t. v2011.03.12
6 c3 W5 [' o- S5 j! PPart 2&3/ a: H' `* ?; t2 Z2 n. n
Place, M6 v2 B6 a( @; I: u9 g8 f( _
Describe a room you like to stay when you were a child
  J+ j3 N" T- pDo you think a private room is personal privacy?9 x, D& Y( a3 w# e! W
How many rooms do u think is best?
1 k; X* l. _* {$ {1 MDo you think students should share a room?8 _0 x9 ?& y' O4 k
Do you think it is important to have own room for people?(concerning personal privacy)中 华 考 试 网0 A" {1 v" F, E4 g- T. J' _
Are there any advantages for children to share rooms with other children?0 q" ^) u& F+ E3 o2 }+ e
How many rooms does a typical Chinese family need?, ?. a' Q4 ?7 i
Do you think future rooms will be better than today’s?
& p7 k1 {8 A7 O' {: W0 wDescribe a small but successful company
/ l# g2 B& H7 k9 z! QWhat are the features of successful companies?5 S4 x4 f3 ]5 n* n4 o
What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?
* h6 b1 u5 D2 rDo private companies bosses would like to have a rest?
0 R. F6 h: S1 U) \& I" ^What are the differences between the manufacturing industry now and the past in China?* B( j' f8 ?0 S' `
Describe a place you would like to attend a university or a college5 F: [, M# y# r) b6 U  M. c# Y
Do you think there is any difference between schools in countryside and in the city?4 k$ L& W: x, D6 e+ R7 H" i$ ]4 @
Do schools need any improvement in the future? Why ?' e! ]9 Q5 i. c* V' i9 P7 l7 a" M
Should children have computers at home?: A6 c" m+ Y' Z2 {) G( W
Which is better for students, a big gym or a big library?5 r: t' J( @/ w1 i# e: T2 u8 C
Describe a place near the water you have visited.
* Q1 T2 }+ {5 t: j3 kIn which aspects do people in this place use water?
* n/ w" o; [# P. ~8 G3 VDo you think people in cities use more water than those in countryside?
& w( Q4 ~3 e2 t& H! v9 i; ZDo you think water can be saved? And how?
) T, q+ L) f+ {( |8 `Do you think people will accept travel by sea?
: i1 t2 G6 Q/ s4 v! LWhat are the benefits of shipping goods by sea?
& e! d9 g- n" ~* j; X& C( y( IDescribe your favorite restaurant4 }; v8 i* O( [: Q' {
How should we be encouraged to have a healthy eating habit?
5 ]: W( e' s0 d+ B, yDo people care more about nutrition nowadays?* v6 B$ f9 `2 Y7 W$ [! Q+ i
Describe a modern building that you think is interesting.4 z% k$ ^, _6 x/ y% K1 p% q" A$ Y
Do you prefer old buildings or modern buildings?; h( \7 z; I6 z7 H) l" Q4 o3 p
What do you think are the advantages of modern buildings over old buildings?
3 j* U- R8 _$ i/ M8 e- ^Do you think the (outside) appearance of a building is important?
- f9 q4 i- E* [* `) ^Do you think government buildings should be more practical than attractive?& m1 h! x& Z0 M+ |2 o  `
Do you think interesting modern buildings can be used to attract tourists?, T( I" o+ p; D
What facilities do you think modern cities should have?
, O' n. u  l3 ^$ iDescribe a place you have visited(want to visit)?( ~8 s% u; [8 G2 {! ?
Why many people want to live in this place?
" N9 g1 b3 N8 W, L. _7 y& lThere’s many problem in transportation in this place?6 y* e; {6 i& c6 a
So why many people still wants to live in this place?8 H$ h# R3 F$ g7 T
How this place affects people?5 O' h- O3 \6 A8 F% S' _- A
Why people like to live in the city?
7 i7 w$ s+ I- ~5 a+ r8 F7 GDescribe a place you go to that has a lot of noise.) X, @" c" {* E4 ?* |) Y: F8 I6 |
What noises can we hear in a city?
( R& y. \; J1 k" W0 S" ?Do you think noise (ever) has any benefits?
+ a! }+ b3 G) f* aDo you think noise can be considered to be a form of pollution?+ k0 R! t: l& W0 E& ]* i0 X. ?) ?
What harm can noise do to people's health?% y: g$ R8 o/ Z" Y* O
How do you suggest this noise could be controlled?
* r* R2 v5 k6 N7 j- T2 }What do you think the government should do about excessive noise?
6 B4 I( S. k0 F9 O2 m' {Object/ Thing: J$ z9 S- O1 O1 i9 U
Describe a broken thing in your family+ |( [: T( ?( r# p/ _# Q* v( j
What kind of thing can be easily broken?$ U* W1 o2 r% G# @
How do people usually dispose of broken things?3 L$ F% f! @; R* o8 P, i
Describe a car you want to buy in the future7 a4 N: M6 e* n; t, U6 j4 c
What type of transportation tools can be found in your city?: \5 S3 s% g. m& L
When people buy cars, what kind of cars do they usually prefer?
6 L4 f7 {) p1 Q" H" v3 n) BWhat is the transportation development trend going to be in the future?0 h3 h& e9 V2 ]3 z3 a: r
Describe an advertisement' u% M( P1 z  {2 c
How many ways are there to advertise? Which one is the best and popular?
& N: P1 \0 e4 hWhat do you think if consumers will have to pay for advertisement? If you disagree with this, then do you think advertisement should be banned?
* w! k+ |8 z! q: g6 t7 ^What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertisement?
6 W+ l9 A/ K( z# Y& J& ~What will happen if advertisements get banned?
1 w! w0 i8 |0 u' w9 i2 ]# g2 f, ZDescribe something you are interested in and want to learn in the future
( e, E! c" `% [2 l3 _What should the government do for the retired people?5 H9 M& e' Q; S$ }" W
What do you think of new things?, r( V) A& @6 m( P, P1 R
Do adults have enough ability to accept new things?
  {! i! O: P% L4 D* x) ~8 }2 _How fast do adults react to new things?
$ G" B& \+ V1 F+ v* W! oWhat is the importance of knowledge?' z% s- B8 L! O% q
Is it necessary to learn practical skills?& W. v6 {' k8 a' ~6 |% {1 \
Is it any difference between students in art and students in science?
- ^* x# N& \9 n) X) d0 }* eDescribe and advice you received from others under certain situation7 @8 `/ n, s) q, Z7 |& q/ Z$ }9 |
Do your family members always give advice to you?, {$ X+ L7 a6 M, \, B. D4 y7 o
How do you think of these advices? Do you receive them all?0 `) X- j3 b/ Q" Q) m; i# i. v
Is there any difference between the advice from your friends and advice from your family?
$ Z5 |/ }9 Z6 P: JDoes your family give any advice about relationship? What do you think of it?8 d3 V1 @+ y5 C! z7 J: ^+ o
In modern society, there are some people specializing in giving advice about work. What do you think of these people and their advices?
7 F- y6 }/ k1 h* ~, j2 kDescribe a well-known story from your country.0 [3 s! J8 a1 C( l, }, ]" ?
Why do you think (little) kids like listening to stories?# b2 {0 _& |" u& b
Describe a quiz show you watch on TV that you are interested in attending.' [9 u& q' n; C0 G; I1 g
Is quiz show popular in China?1 u1 F$ m; p& ^9 H( [0 |; K, J1 B
Why young people do not like quiz shows?8 d2 j6 Q- z4 _
Are there many competitions in everyday life?- M! R( {" L+ p3 ?6 \
Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree?- M* O+ x2 H- f5 ]
Do you think that people are born to be competitive?- B9 G4 I% h+ k, F/ ^! G
Describe a useful piece of (electrical) equipment that you often use at home) a+ V( R: Z0 \
Are there any of those that you think are not very important?" [* F$ f* q/ u+ P& b
What do you think are the benefits of using modern equipment and devices (in the home)?7 R8 A' m! b% v
Do you agree that older people have difficulties in using modern equipment?' D7 x9 r. }' J7 d3 f9 d
How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?
- a( C  j/ P+ C# B% a4 c, pDescribe something you bought which is valuable5 z0 q8 f7 u" g% O2 z  G: n
Why do people like to buy expensive but useless things now?6 m$ G/ w8 Z& O! [5 e" v. F
What influence people’s consumption behavior?" x! b0 j3 y0 K" Z( h" [$ u" o
Is there any effective ways to reduce such influence?
, ^% A! F# H9 m" s5 b  CWhat can high technology bring to us?
  z( b# y/ j; f) U- Z4 Z: LDoes high technology makes our life simpler or more complex? Is this change good or bad?
+ k* p1 T; a8 I; e2 p' C& PDescribe a food from other countries
! A% q$ p' j+ F6 ?7 v, jDo you like cooking? Why u like cooking?
' |4 Z! x4 ]- a# y; K' r  ], DDo you think high-tech influence our cooking; }2 X* c) D4 g
Do you think there are more children can cook nowadays?
0 L2 Q1 [; p8 t" ]Do westerners have an unhealthy eating habit? How about Chinese people?! |2 D  ]8 a  C, \) {1 [* M
Describe something healthy you would recommend# i# j/ u3 d. K3 `9 p% V5 |
What do you think are the differences between healthy food and 'junk food'?
) j$ ^* Z" O& W6 M7 g% W# l" x  \What things do you think people in China need to do in order to improve their health?6 Y  X: \: _2 ]8 m2 E
Do you think modern people do enough regular exercise?
" a; L# a; ^* \3 B$ sDo you think it's important for children to learn about a healthy lifestyle?
) ^. ~. k/ p( O" `8 mDo you think the media can play a role in educating people about health?
  m' X# m, q8 D5 F3 b8 F$ LDo you think it's a good idea for employers to encourage their employees to live a healthy life?
8 e% d: L8 ]3 w: B; fHow can employers do that?  U) g: m& j* \8 L+ Q
Describe a film you have recently seen.
' f& V) m0 y3 s7 B( hWhat kind of movie is popular in China? Why?
9 ]! x0 M) N  k5 j2 JWhat is the difference between Chinese movie and foreign movies?! b8 X7 N: T6 \3 @1 r2 g9 k
What do you learn from watching movies?8 a, f  r4 p. c  @
Do you think it is important for a movie to be advertised?( I3 n' f4 a7 V$ ?5 }/ Q/ I, W# B
If foreign movies without advertisement, will it still be so success?
5 m. P7 w* e) @6 h2 ~% [0 TDo you think a movie will be success without advertisement? If yes, why?7 i7 ]3 G/ {1 e$ }: O1 ]9 Y: [
What kind of people prefer to watch foreign movies than Chinese Movies in China? Why?* g# L& ?' a4 H3 _0 t7 n! m
What is the difference between Chinese and Foreign movies?
8 U3 E5 R( i1 S+ yDescribe an interesting wild animal from your country5 O7 Z, O4 d4 {5 O1 m- n
What kind of relationship do people and animal have?) S) q& ?" m7 S. o( u
What is the difference between having a pet now and having a pet in the past?, M8 \0 F6 b' m+ i6 y
Is it better to have a dog in city or rural area?
' c5 @3 |, M1 MIs vegetarian conducive to protect animals?
, V6 l3 p* j& N) iDo you think animals should be killed? Why?
3 q& e( {7 _& o  {$ c5 B# @( vWhy do people raise pets?+ j9 P4 N' h  i. K; @$ h
What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets?8 B$ a  M7 U2 Y
Why is it popular to raise pets?/ g( n4 Y4 M- l* J# f
What can we use animals for?! B3 T9 m/ l! C* m; @7 @" C
Are you a vegetarian?! Y6 @7 d+ O4 {& q
Should animals be kept in cities or countryside?
, z; v5 C, k1 F# SWhat are some of the problems related to raising pets?
+ `0 D6 h' H, h! w5 |& R* ~Event
7 w4 y, M' u# |9 K/ {1 R8 ]Describe something you did that is good for environment) v5 D5 S/ D5 F2 m. {0 r8 G
What should the government do to protect environment?$ r1 n) d( U% {) v
What should ordinary people do to the environment?! c8 `  A6 e+ V0 a8 p- f
Why there are some countries do not take any activities to protect environment?/ V' I& d8 a, [  C: X
Is it the personal matter or a national issue to protect the environment?
: d3 {* E- u2 ^1 \Will the relationship between countries become closer if we protect the environment?) ~- b: E$ ~8 }6 W* T" M
Describe a change in lifestyle that can be beneficial to your body
% M, J) T; W- [1 EWhat is the different attitude towards exercise from men and women?* j" w* n/ S' X8 E; V
Do old people exercise a lot in your country?
$ @$ `1 U4 g2 ?7 s* ]Describe a walk with a friend that you remember.
. [# f1 q8 M8 m5 H" J+ LWhat are the benefits of walking?
. r2 W3 h1 S" A+ g9 s: GHow do you think people could be encouraged to walk more?
- B: Q+ K2 G. R5 T! xDescribe a shopping experience
/ E8 E) c: p3 [What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping from Internet?$ t5 ?0 Q- ^+ T! p4 g
What is the popular trend in young people when they buy things?$ c1 s; \) P" i: S6 m: ^3 c
Why does iPhone becomes so popular?% q2 z7 A8 e/ ~; m. w1 p6 _2 A/ X6 c
How do we evaluate our living standard?" |: d7 h* A) q
Describe a visit to your friend’s home
% p& }4 V1 s; D( uCompared with past, do people are too busy to visit others now?
$ G, Q% m. r2 @' `) ~( yIs it important to visit others?
  O# D: o2 c% z7 W+ h3 S5 q9 SDo you think it is important to make visitors comfortable?- A* M% v; \  B0 o
Describe an unforgettable event in your childhood
. H! U0 _9 ?$ uDo you think parents play an important role in child education?: f8 D4 z) @+ }9 N- o* e
Who is better in education, parents or teachers?
! H# y- f3 p5 c9 C0 tWhat are the causes of spoiling children in modern society?
: E7 r) Z; l& F; |+ I9 l1 `Do you think children should be encouraged to make decisions?' W# i$ Z" y6 ?; Z
Describe a happy event in school
0 i6 n) F7 I3 G( g9 `! q- {The happiness in the past and now, is there any difference?
) O5 x2 Q1 B" o) C3 _What is the most important factor of being happy?
! @4 d8 q5 a0 A& JIs personal happiness the most important thing in our work & life? If not, what is the most important?7 }8 o' V3 L5 ]
Can people be happy without any goal?
8 r4 @! m& ^+ l/ |Are old people happier than the young?6 w% K- H1 X. W# z% `3 l: B! H. W
What is the influence of advertisement?
! u0 ?) }% C& a" F' @4 v" f- E+ kDescribe an outdoor activity, j# ]/ f) i, ]8 W
What is the difference between outdoor work in cities and in countryside?3 o: w0 v' {+ Q8 D  i8 ]
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of indoor work and outdoor work.
3 a3 F5 U& W- D; C" gWhat is the difference of white-collar’s work and outdoor work, l1 I* b+ O+ {4 _
Describe a cultural event you celebrate
% U; }7 ?1 X# f$ b8 L9 ^Are there any differences in celebration culture between now and past?
  }- b/ V8 R2 T/ S' Z; |0 SIs there any same or similar cultural event celebrated worldwide?
) j2 R- M) K+ {( O  ~3 z  iPerson8 C/ {; k5 t2 u  B/ E3 V& r
Describe a friend who speaks a different language
: i0 B; }- W2 a# sWhere can you meet those people who speak different language?( j% P6 ~! W7 f, a/ Y7 n) U$ D
How and what do you talk about?
! b8 l7 F7 V* k7 ]/ MWhat can you get from them?  w6 Q$ v1 r( P- @8 s* E/ U
Why do these people with different language like to come to China? Why is China so attractive to them?
' X9 P8 Y  \+ cDescribe a retired person1 U; B  E2 _9 P
What is young people’s attitude towards the old?
1 m" X, Q5 `8 w5 W: y: W& lWho should be responsible for taking care of the old? And what are their responsibilities?
; [. A! `* H) O! s6 V* K4 ?What do retirees usually do for leisure?
6 [! w! h+ i% e& V6 X+ P4 o/ M0 _Do they feel happy after getting retired?
1 N% ?; \5 _2 g" d+ ?( DDescribe a friend
+ j4 E/ F' w' M7 M" i5 wWhere do you meet her/him?
' `  x+ d+ x2 f  oHow do people think of her/him?, W) L1 s3 e5 y- f2 C$ c- j
Does she/he have any leadership skills?% ]" u3 Z% }+ [( ]( E* i
In your family, who usually make decisions, your father or mother? What’s the situation in your country?
3 h9 q# S# w% ?/ a  S2 pAt what age do you think children should make their own decisions?5 J6 H/ ?; c" t$ E( v3 B
Who is better to make decisions, women or men?
  J2 Q- q  d7 x9 V0 C' T  tDescribe a TV or radio presenter5 m) G, r0 ?' r; @  C0 d
What skills does a person need to be a TV or radio presenter?: L( W* S9 b3 a! r; l/ j  B, q
What are some differences between a radio presenter and a TV presenter?
1 j, d1 L2 H6 n! T) SDescribe a teacher you had in your primary school time
; E- D1 k/ d' r% y& NDo teachers receive respects in your country?
. T- r, u6 W  A% b* ~; FHow are teachers encouraged in your country?
4 T7 x5 R) b7 m1 cDo many young people in your country want to be teachers?* F+ f. F6 P, ^$ Z
What would cause more people to want to be teachers?6 C$ Q" O" r* M* v3 J4 C
What do you think is the most important quality that a good teacher should have?
9 I7 `* x& u6 N3 \Do you think there are any differences between male and female teachers?
1 I+ Y2 p/ r" U" sDo you think it's possible for school students to become friends with (their) teachers?; u3 Z% T2 j  @
What do you think a qualified teacher should be?2 F" a3 F! E8 f. \: G! U: |" P$ M
What is more important to a teacher, professional technique or caring about others?% D- H( w  \: O( A2 w: n
Do teacher influence children's future?% \' y+ b' d6 S4 \2 p
If a teacher is well-qualified, but children just don't like her, what's the Problem?
% T) ^7 O  C9 Z. f: XDescribe a famous artist you admire
  V7 q! D" R0 e% RDo you think art (or, the arts) is (are) important?
: z/ E) k4 O( X: ~How has art changed (in China) in the past few years (or, decades)?
/ @5 b. ]" i9 a8 s. ?; {How important do you think it is for children to have art classes in school?
1 [% ~! Y2 d7 p' bWhat are some good ways to teach art to children?
8 z1 U2 l8 _* t* Z- r( YDo you think art and literature (or, the arts) should be taught in universities?+ {& U+ h$ K  \0 q% l; C
Describe a famous foreign person you would like to meet1 x/ C2 \4 Z6 l0 N
Why would people want to be famous?
9 s- G, _  r3 u9 [% l" u' J2 aHow does fame influence them?
; v2 \! I7 v5 C  W) V5 c: ^  x7 jHow would they change after being famous?
" Z0 p0 [- z& P: ^6 R首页1  2 尾页
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