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[雅思真题] 2010年雅思口语真题范例Part2

发表于 2012-8-14 20:40:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Describe a book that you liked in your childhood.( e& W" u0 Z4 l* G( S! \* [) u
; q2 @* c- z9 V# b
  You should say:, B% ~2 F9 V" V5 g6 i+ R! O, s: `

, w/ X  Y2 l/ Y  * what was this book6 A+ G/ E" k0 U7 ?/ h) @. q
8 s( E3 k" d! i6 F4 a
  * how you got the book
6 |+ a) R5 f' B, u% z' Y
# @5 {8 d% j, [8 ?, B  * what the book told you
8 s8 _+ U  b# `  o! H
! C. I: Z6 I# h  and explain why you liked the book as a child.: i0 ~% L2 g& @6 z! Z9 ]* p( i

* v; b, M7 `' d( l' Q+ |  Model Response: I think I was a great reader during my childhood, and there were so many books in which I was deeply engrossed. But my favorite one was a novel called Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, one of the greatest novelists of the 19th century. I got it as a birthday gift from my uncle George. He didn’t say anything about the book when he handed it to me, but after the first reading I thought I got his meaning. Uncle George wanted me to become a person with unshakable inner strength just like Pip, the protagonist of the novel, who was able to fight against his ill fate with fortitude and perseverance and finally achieve a lot of success in a society that was prejudiced against people like him. As a child, I liked this classic novel for a number of reasons. First, I was quite impressed by the vivid descriptions of many interesting characters and their interactions. I mean that Charles Dickens was really a master of the English language; you can form a mental picture of what is going on in the novel. Second, the plot is full of twists and turns, always making me eager to find out what will happen next. And finally, I think Pip has become a hero for many young children like me. Whenever I felt down, I would open this book and find an inspiring chapter to read. In that way, I was recharged and empowered so that I could get myself back on feet.

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