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[雅思真题] 剑桥雅思7-Test4口语Part2真题解析一

发表于 2012-8-14 20:40:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
剑桥雅思7-第四套试题-口语部分-Part 2真题部分:  
8 V5 _0 F0 s( y4 Q& o: B  PART 2
$ _. l; ~5 b8 U" y  ?; w- y  Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful.
1 p7 j" Y# P0 j' L. `+ [+ H  w- c  You should say:
3 h7 G1 q2 O$ i) G' X* \  what it is
& b1 ]. O, h* H) c  how you learned to use it 6 L) |( K8 g6 u/ R9 j
  how long you have had it
" D9 {  j0 t. x6 ^, x9 V, z! Z- a1 Z  and explain why you find this piece of electronic equipment useful.
7 f6 c2 T/ G) K! a( Z' B  You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. www.Examw.com& j3 I) ]8 ?1 c$ `& Q
  You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. 1 V* ^! I) b% X8 f
  You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
, W, [2 X7 f% i  PART 2 真题解析
: {+ x5 r+ j' g# @  考官给考生一张话题卡(Cue Card)。考生有1分钟准备时间,并可以做笔记(考官会给考生笔和纸)。之后考生要做1~2分钟的陈述。考生讲完后,考官会就考生的阐述内容提一两个相关问题,由考生做简要回答。
/ b6 K, q: L& j+ o0 b0 U# R  CUE CARD 4 o% Q) e; Q  }; Y( P+ b! b
  Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful ! Q+ A) p8 S- u6 k& R
  You should say: - S( x# Y+ D4 V8 W8 k! D& Q6 T# d
  what it is 考试用书+ R: _! `9 i/ q
  how you learned to use it
0 v8 Z! W- ?" V5 ^5 f  how long you have had it 9 N/ l9 k  w+ \7 M& t* e6 Y1 J
  and explain why you find this piece of electronic equipment useful. 5 A8 P2 P3 e" z* E& A
/ m; Q/ r, {" Z3 f0 V  话题卡“Describe an electronic equipment”是口语考试中物品类话题卡中较为高频出现的话题卡之一,考官主要考查考生描述物品细节的能力是否过硬。 : W* X2 n) W- }) @- S

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