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[雅思口语] 雅思口语考试经典长句(一)

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 “我要学英语,英语很重要,因为它可以帮助我在国际贸易中找到好工作,而我正在学习国际贸易。” 5 g4 S6 f7 m3 ^4 g! v
  "I work in a software company as a computer programmer, which is quite a challenging job because our clients usually want us to write programs in a short period of time."
8 c7 f" v! @5 M, @2 c6 c: b
5 M! z) |9 C: m/ ~: {1 ^; Q  “我是一名计算机程序员,在一家软件公司工作。这是一项非常具有挑战性的工作,因为我们的顾客经常希望我们在短期内完成程序编写任务。”
$ i. Q4 F& X! k
" e8 W$ U5 j3 b5 e* A% e  "Watching films, especially comedy, is my favorite pastime although (or, but) I don’t like films with a lot of violence or horror films.". x% W! v3 O, C: s' Y/ L+ u5 L
2 B2 t$ G4 d* g2 ]. e
  “我最喜欢的消遣是看电影,尤其是喜剧片。但我不喜欢看带有很有暴力和恐怖情节的电影。”5 _" S3 _& `2 r& |# h
) D1 v! q5 K/ |$ U- }
  "I don’t ride my bicycle very often because (or, since) it’s faster to take the bus to university although (or, but) I do use it on the weekends when I have no classes."
/ t# M; S. ?- x1 z' Z% b! k4 Z0 p0 Y0 R5 f+ S3 k7 l$ x( y4 f

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