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[雅思口语] 雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法九

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 91. He is a stud.他很帅,他是个帅哥。注意stud只能用于男性,而且是那种具阳刚气、棱角分明、健壮的人(well-cut)。女性相对应的词是bombshell,美得像炸弹,她一出现,就要炸翻一片男士。She is a sure-fire bombshell。以前江南一带形容女孩漂亮的俚语也有“她很炸”。不知道现在说女孩漂亮的俚语是什么了。还有一个类似的说法:She is a knock-out.knock-out是拳击词汇,一拳把对手打出圈外。6 T9 M8 i+ n) ]4 A, H& w
  92. Lighten up!不用那么紧张。Lighten up on yourself.9 \, j% l4 r9 [- k2 ?
  93. Knuckle-head,笨蛋,傻。He is really a knuckle-head.4 T8 f3 M( p' f8 m. a
  94. He has a strong ego. He believes he is a big shot, and beats his chest. A strong ego, 很强烈的自我优越感,Big shot, 大腕,重要的人物。Beat one’s chest,那些篮球运动员灌篮后都要捶打自己的胸脯,表示得意自豪。Do you wanna try another shot. Shot在这句的意思是“试试”,“想再试一次吗?”It is your shot.这是你的工作了。, s* g$ U5 ^5 E; N& Q( O4 K
  95. Goofy是个很有用的词,意思有点像silly。Goofy是个卡通狗,长长的耳朵,表情古怪,引人发笑。If you do something goofy, you will gain children’s attention. You are acting goofy. They were worrying about their goofy kids. 傻,不懂事。
. K$ z3 T  |0 B0 s  96. Spooky 可疑,可怕。He is trying to sell something to me, but it looks spooky to me. 他想向我推销东西,不过看起来可疑。 It is dark down the ally, quite spooky.小巷子很暗,有点可怕。: c3 i! ]9 n; C# i: \
  97. Fishy,不诚实,可疑。It sounds fishy. 听起来不可信。& y: M" c4 r% s
  98. Buff原意是牛皮,口语中指“对某事务有强烈爱好,知识丰富的人”a Civil War buff 内战史迷。He happens to be a genealogy buff. Those who are not beef buffs can order something else. Buff又指那种肌肉发达的人: Some buff athletes lifting weights at the gym.
) I- J( O, n7 o  99. It may be a cock-and-bull story. Cock-and-bull 没有书对的事。He is good at telling cock-and-bull stories. 他最会胡编乱讲。
$ N6 s& v% B+ B0 l  100. That will crank you up. 意思是“That will cheer you up.”

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