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[雅思口语] 雅思口语:口语考试在季节与天气的转换

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Weather and Season  
0 f5 v& W# B; C6 r" N3 o" [  How’s the weather in China?  2 n1 p1 L* h& N; w. w9 Q
  Does weather affect people’s work performance?  , ~( D% ]  \8 C* R! }- _4 G
  Jobs  , w7 }% B% r% E* r3 Y7 y
  Why did you choose this career?  
7 Q2 q( W3 Q5 e  Do many Chinese people shift jobs in a year?  
1 o# c& u2 i8 B: v$ N  Do people perform differently at work in summer and winter?  
6 s1 j% U- P* \$ p9 N  Would you like to change your job in the future? Why?  * m4 M0 W2 a$ B; ~
  Do you think your job is easy? Why?  ; e5 X6 b* Q) d; J
  What are the facilities you usually use at work?  6 |: P# {1 K; \6 d
  Is your job interesting?  外语学习网; k/ P4 y8 k1 T9 O& \5 ~
: |3 [9 m! s4 \2 U9 p7 J  Which university are you in?  9 q0 O2 X; Q0 ^. z5 p6 G  N
  Why did you choose this university?  
7 D* ?! N& p9 r6 ^, o  What’s your major?  
; j; B: w* ?! A, v0 w8 ^2 i9 M  Why did you choose it as your major?  
# l9 K4 G' x9 s8 h$ b  f$ _8 L  Is your major difficult?  
/ R" Q( H* x- N6 d+ T7 D' p  What do you want to do after graduation?  % Q% A0 Y6 p* e8 V" }1 z' E
  Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects?  
, Y3 G3 K% Z4 e- H  What do you like most about your school?  ! Q7 u& }* ?. H" N; B) o+ C
  Which language do you speak?  1 h, C, o/ F' L
  Do you want to learn another language?  
+ W! `/ ?# g0 a5 G1 |$ j% u9 W  Who can learn a foreign language better? The elderly or the young?  
/ L  L4 ^- L- \% W. Y. T% \7 J  Do girls learn a foreign language more quickly than boys?  4 ^  @1 U% Z  W
  What’s your suggestion on language learning?  6 b# `) H4 @$ [, \9 R7 L! S
  What’s the most difficult part of language learning?  ( Z2 I" q/ X; K" Z. e
  Do you prefer individual learning or group learning?  
% _/ r) m$ a% i( u2 y0 ?  Food & Cooking  
3 P( ^) }6 g1 z+ K' \' Y* a" h  Who usually cooks in your family?  ' ?" G- G% \/ h3 {. `4 ?
  What’s your favorite hometown dish?  
# [9 B" E, F: u3 y0 L8 W  Can you cook? Why don’t you learn?  
& y0 k: m8 V! s0 F6 i  Do you think it is important for children to learn how to cook?  8 I' c4 x' ~* y& G( m2 Y. f
  Do you like to eat out or cook at home?  
; u% Y) R& G2 ~/ j& x& Y! Y5 `  What are the benefits of eating at home?  
! Z( f1 S) m6 D$ W0 @. T  Do you like fresh food or prepared food?  
9 i; t$ A. `% x' y$ F5 g  Leisure activities  
3 \. [0 s- P$ _# z  Do you often hang out with friends?  
: k4 u5 d% a8 |) k7 n$ H  N: m  Do you invite your friends to your home?  ! d4 t) j! m; [# O4 I
  How often do you meet friends? What do you usually do?  
9 B2 r' e9 K; w7 o$ A% `  What do you usually do at leisure?  ! g8 B% W" b1 V
  How do you organize time?  # V9 g7 }: q# h7 t/ D, N9 m% Z: a8 J; ^
  What do you usually do in the evening?  6 b% K  B9 l* o, b5 R
  How do you spend you vacation?  www.Examw.com: b9 D% j- K: c
  What do you like and hate to do during vacation?  . `& e1 q8 j. K5 _
  What was the last vacation you took?  6 q7 c7 {  T; e
  What do you do in your free time?  # O+ G, Q. n, ~8 B3 y: H
  Do you like reading?  
. ?! \1 K" F' y# r/ V  Did you read a lot in your childhood?  7 Q  y) t- d" G1 P: @3 X
  What do you like to read now?  2 y1 P* `/ p4 u" g$ f% W- @# f
8 b: D, n* j6 t; z: k9 d3 f: A2 f8 d
像标点的一种人生境界   , r! X) S7 Z  V9 F; o& U
     人生像一首曲子,离不开灵动的音符;人生像一条长河,离不开翻滚的浪花;人生像一抹彩虹,离不开绚丽的色彩;人生像一篇文章,离不开各式的标点。 8 B3 }! ~  i! s; r' k- L
     人生的曲子悠扬动听,人生的长河波涛澎湃,人生的彩虹缤纷多彩,人生的文章因为有了破折号——,代表了一个开始,这也很象我们来到世上的第一声哭叫吧?人生的起跑线。出生的时候每个人的起点都是相同的,无一例外赤条条的来这个世界报到。而生命的结束就是另外的一种人生境界。  * G- G4 D9 ?; o
  变幻莫测的省略号……似伴随着我们一年一年长大的漫长时光,成长的过程跌跌撞撞,也夹杂着这样那样的失落;一天比一天的成熟也附带着深深浅浅的伤痕,但我们并不惧怕成长,我们一直心存希望…… 这些含糊代表了我们无尽的梦想。 $ P) B# Q) B" Y! b
" i0 e0 q+ k+ N2 ~   人生的路上不一定都铺满歌声与鲜花,经常会遇到一些困难和和路障,这时候分号(;)就适时出现了,面对这样的情况不可急功近利,需要迂回前进才能达到目的,适当的间歇也算人生的一种战术吧? ( ?! V1 N" ^$ f/ r" N9 f4 s8 q

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