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[雅思口语] 雅思口语:奥运常见的英文表达方式(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 c8 S! h; R# y/ Y0 U奥运会形象:Olympic Imagewww.Examw.com
# q  n: g- c3 q; n1 r$ z7 C  奥运会形象是奥运会的精髓,也是全世界人民共同的思想和情感。奥运会形象源自视觉的,或文字的,抑或图文并茂的要素(如一个字、一个标志、一种符号、一种设计、一条术语或是所有这些的结合体),播散着奥运会和奥运健将们的风采与形象,承载着他们的殷切期望和遐想,是奥运会的核心品牌或信息。' X: S( |7 W4 M% l" U( K' M
  Olympic Image
8 B! |  g" m* y' m$ F  The core essence of the Olympic Games as it is found in the thoughts and emotions of people around the world. The core brand or message of the Olympic Games, stemming from elements that are either visual or verbal or both (e.g., a word, a mark, a symbol, a design, a term, or a combination of these) that communicate the identity and the image of the Olympic Games and the Olympic athletes, and that convey a set of expectations of and associations with the Olympic Games and the Olympic athletes.

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