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[雅思阅读] 雅思阅读英圣诞或面临燃料定额窘境

发表于 2012-8-14 21:46:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在英国,随着大雪的持续不断,政府一再的证实情况非常严重,民众可能在圣诞节的时候,因为取暖材料的短缺而出现燃料定额的窘境。英国政府正在努力解决这个问题。我们来看看如下的雅思阅读文章。   As snow began falling again across the country, the Government confirmed that the situation could become “very serious,” with some households already facing waits of up to four weeks before they can receive supplies.
: t9 I. s0 d8 c. x3 |  The Office of Fair Trading announced that it was monitoring allegations of price fixing among suppliers, as the average cost of a litre of oil leapt to more than 70p from just over 40p a month ago.
! d, Z7 d: H- x  O& c& k  Around six per cent of households rely on heating oil, many in remote areas away from mains supplies. Six out 10 families in Northern Ireland, 505,000 homes, are dependent on oil deliveries.% I, V* L6 P4 m% k8 b- U* d
  There are another 828,000 users in England and 155,000 in Scotland. Figures are unavailable for Wales, but are likely to be significant due to the high levels of households outside of towns and cities.6 A5 h, U% Z% g
  Across the United Kingdom, a number of public bodies, including rural schools and hospitals, also depend on oil for heat.- g2 r9 E, J" b, q& M. c8 N2 i
  The first snow began to fall yesterday morning as the Briton was gripped by the second big freeze of the winter.
2 v" ]5 I' ?; {  Forecasters predicted that the entire country would be covered by the end of the weekend, leading to fears of fresh travel disruption.3 t4 y/ Q5 M1 Z- B# m( i5 s3 w+ j) q
  Heating oil customers have yet to see supplies return to normal following the last white-out, prompting MPs representing rural areas to call for emergency measures to ensure that consumers do not experience a cold Christmas.
' R7 l9 M8 Z9 q0 d' L; n  Charles Hendry, the Energy Minister, said that ministers would work with suppliers to ration supplies to make sure that customers could get through the festive period, and confirmed that the outlook was potentially “very serious”.
; r" ]) ~4 W$ x  The Government also relaxed the rules on the number of hours lorry drivers are permitted to be on the road, allowing them to continue making deliveries for longer.
0 y% s# O  S; H- k- s5 K* H, T  Mr Hendry told MPs: "People are calling up today who reckon they are going to be short over the coming weeks and are being told they are not going to be getting a delivery of oil for three or four weeks.
4 A; A9 ?3 n: `7 P7 F8 Z  "We are extremely aware that if there is further snow over Christmas, this situation could become very serious indeed.
+ b. B; J  a2 {" S6 ]& r3 f  "I have spoken to the Office of Fair Trading about the price of oil, as the enforcement of competition consumer law is a matter for them.- E5 U+ d  n& G- }- z; F
  "They have assured me that they are keeping a very close eye on the situation and are keen to receive evidence from members about any market abuse they are experiencing."9 ^; I8 M: G8 C' R8 l% E
  But Labour’s Tom Watson urged the Government to step up its response to what he described as a “supply crisis,” adding: "Members have said there is a shortage of supply of oil, their constituents are going cold, schools and hospitals are losing out. We obviously have an oil supply crisis."
, g$ _' g9 ^1 @( E! Z8 v" ~  Kevin Brennan, representing Cardiff West, added said: "We have got 72 hours ahead of us of inclement weather, which means oil supplies will be even more disrupted."' @" e; x# R. Q' D' K) E+ J
  Pat Glass, Labour MP for North West Durham, accused oil suppliers of “utter exploitation”.# ^1 f5 E7 o) a3 q' i# h- h
  And Conservative backbencher Neil Parish, representing Tiverton and Honiton, added: "Isn't it time you took on the oil companies and ensure constituents get a fair deal as many of my constituents have no choice but to have oil?"
! R' O- N- i8 h) _! X0 W  Audrey Gallacher, head of energy at Consumer Focus, said: "The price of crude oil has risen far less than the cost of heating oil, calling into question why suppliers are charging so much more."
: Q2 H- G3 O+ u% c) b5 f) @  According to the Boilerjuice comparison website, the average price for a litre of heating oil stood at 43p in June, compared to 71p today. In the last month alone, the price has risen from an average of 46p. It stood at 41p this time last year and 39p two years ago.
. J+ C) e  g, O0 }$ S! Z5 p; S' Y  There was further bad news for consumers when it emerged that petrol prices had reached a record high.' ]7 `; B; V7 K% [7 a* m

, Z) p/ L# L& `; P$ Z* W5 f* T3 B  Motorists are now paying 122.14 a litre for petrol, 3.06 pence more than a month ago, while diesel has hit 126.19 pence – a rise of 3.12 pence.首页 1 2尾页

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/ U/ Q, @" Y  T* |5 V  It means that drivers have to find nearly
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